[5] Falling Apart by Lying to Yourself.

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Goldheart pulled herself out of her den, looking around the clearing, no one was up quite yet, which was good, it was far too early for anyone, although early sunup was a beautiful time, at least to Goldheart.

She would go herb gathering before returning to lay in the clearing herself. She found a nice patch of sunlight and laid down, sunning herself. Before she knew it, she fell asleep once more.

Waking up as a paw prodded her, she blinked groggily as she stared at Halfpaw, she quickly stood up, muttering "What's the matter?"

"I got a thorn in my paw, can't get it out on my own, Rattail told me to come see you while he's off spending all his time with Echotail," Halfpaw rolled his eyes a moment, Goldheart giggled, that was very Rattail-like. She was glad Rattail was still close with Echotail, when the rogues all joined up with the clan, they stuck together, their clanmates untrusting, nowadays it's no longer that way, she's even heard warriors sing praise of a few of them, Cloversplash specifically talks about how talented Rattail is to Shininglily,  but it was nice to know everyone was still close, except her.

She breathed out a sigh, she was really reclusive, she usually stayed close to the medicine den, barely out of camp, somedays she really didn't know why, outside of camp was so beautiful but there were far too many cats.

She snapped from her thoughts when Halfpaw called her name, and she ushered Halfpaw back to her den with her tail, pulling him along as he limped from the thorn.

"Is it gonna hurt?" Halfpaw asked right as they pushed through the that lined the entrance to her den. Goldheart shook her head with a chuckle.

"Don't you think the thorn will hurt more in your paw than out?" Goldheart laughed aloud at Halfpaw freezing up and muttering 'oh'.

She pulled the limping apprentice along to her stash of Marigold, grabbing some of the flower and keeping it close. She gestured for him to hold out his paw, he did and once he let his guard down; Goldheart lunged and pulled the thorn out.

Halfpaw screeched, yanking his paw back in disbelief. He stared at Goldheart, upset for quite a moment before he realized that his paw was intact and fine. He flexed it a bit and blinked up at her.

Goldheart just smiled a little, "Sorry, Goosefur taught me that it would be better to pull it out quickly than wiggle it out slowly," her tail brushed his bristling back a tad just to comfort him, he shuddered in response, a look of pure discomfort on his face.

"I thought you were gonna tear my paw off!" He muttered, an edge to his voice as she had most likely startled him.

"No no! I heal not hurt, now hold it out a moment, let me apply something to make sure there's no infection," She purred with amusement, Halfpaw flicking his tail back and forth, still clearly on edge now.

He held out his paw, allowing her to chew some marigold up and apply the paste. Afterwards, he lingered. Even as she cleared away the herbs and started sorting the leaves she had in store.

Halfpaw lingered.

He had a certain look on his face, disillusioned and clearly upset. Goldheart noticed all this with a glint in her eye, a medicine cat's duty was to heal after all. Even during crises of heart.

"Is something on your mind?"  Goldheart asked, shaking the dusty leaves from her tortoise-shell coat before turning to face the only marked cat once more.

"Do.. Do you mind if I stay in here a while? I think Rattail wants a break from my training.. It's stressful on both our parts," Halfpaw muttered, voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course not!" She paused before throwing out a joke to cheer the droopy apprentice "As long as you don't mind me rambling on about leaves of course."

"I don't mind, I think that all warriors should know a little about herbs so they can treat their clan mates on the field of battle," Halfpaw spoke, getting a little bit excited before pitching down in embarrassment as Goldheart watched him carefully.

"With words like that I might just make you join me here as a medicine cat!" Goldheart meowed with amusement, but to Halfpaw it felt like a boulder had been dropped.

"I'd like that.." He whispered and sighed when she didn't hear him.

"What was that?" She asked, keeping her paws busy moving the tansy from the borage, he shook his head a moment fluffing out his coat.

"Oh, well I was just wondering if you had any advice to be better at hunting or fighting or warrior duties in general but I realized you're a medicine cat," his eyes drifted to the floor as he shifted his paws underneath him.

"Don't hesitate and pay attention to your mistakes," Goldheart smiled at him and he struggled to return it.

"Right.." He muttered once more, before she interrupted.

"I hope that you don't think Rattail hates you, he just likes to spend time with his mate," Goldheart snickered a moment, Halfpaw wasn't so sure.

"He's been so distant since last night. He hasn't taken me out for patrol or training yet," Halfpaw looked sour, Goldheart was worried about him.

"Maybe he and Echotail had a fight, they're likely working it out right now, they went out last night and I saw them frazzled by the lake this morning," she recounted the events in her head.

Late into moonhigh Goldheart stretched outside of her den, duties finally finished for the night. There was scarcely a cat in the clearing, apart from, Rattail, Barkstar, and Looncrook. Although Looncrook looked to be about half asleep, watching the entrance to camp, while Barkstar and Rattail spoke to each other in hushed whispers.

She felt like walking through the forest, something she felt like doing more and more often as of late. Although she waited to check up on the leader.

"Hey Goldheart! What're you doing up?" Rattail asked, tail flicking behind him in surprise, "Why don't you come over and join us? We were just having a chat." 

Goldheart stiffened before relaxing and walking over to Rattail and Barkstar, "I was thinking of going on a walk, checking the borders I suppose?" She added that last bit just as a bit of assurance, to make sure she wouldn't get in trouble with the leader present and all.

Barkstar gave a small nod, before turning to Rattail, "You might want an escort, the bears have been more vicious due to the coming of leaf-bare, they're stocking for hibernation," Barkstar spoke, Rattail smirking while turning to Goldheart.

"You're gonna be a nice snack for their big jaws!" Rattail purred with amusement at the shaking he elicited from Goldheart though Barkstar almost immediately cuffed him over the ear.

"Stop it, you're going to scare the poor thing," He sighed with contempt, Rattail only laughing a little more, a rustle came from the warriors den and out, stepped Echotail. Goldheart dipped her head to the deputy, Rattail practically rushing to his side to press himself against Echotail. 

"What's all the commotion?" Echotail asked, shaking a yawn from his frame as he stretched outwards, drawing himself closer to Rattail in a sleepy stupor. 

"Goldheart just wanted to go out for some fresh air, but the bears are back as Rattail so rudely teased her," Barkstar huffed, the cold making his breath appear just barely opaque, "I might just make you escort her with your rude mouth, Rattail." 

Goldheart hesitated a moment, still quivering with fear at the prospect of being fed to a bear, "Actually I think I'll just wait for morning.." She sighed, turning away, Rattail and Echotail continued to chatter, and she watched them leave the clearing to venture into the forest together. 

"Alright, if you say so.." Halfpaw muttered, snapping Goldheart from her thoughts, he looked pensive and distant, so she made sure to fill the remaining time they had together with babbles about the herbs. 

All the talk earlier had her thinking about taking on an apprentice though she would need to wait a few moons for sure and of course as Barkstar, but it wasn't a bad idea with all the new paws running around. 

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