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Day 1

As she's walking, she realises that to get to the pool will take her more than a day, and having already lost part of it even before starting, she's got to count today lost. 'Might as well safe my strength for the coming days,' she thinks. Strolling, she finds various leafy foliage, many of which look like elephant ears, cupping water from last night's rain. She uses the water to cleanse the caked blood and soil on her palms as well as wash the cuts and abrasions. She then splashes water on her face and neck to remove the grime and heat of fever. Lastly, she drinks deeply from another leaf to quench her thirst and hydrate her body for the impending journey.

She tears a strip of cloth from a frayed part of her garment, washes it as best she can, cleaning it, then wrapping it around her cut, to protect it from being infected. Having settled her medical emergency temporarily, she turns to continue, only to see the fox waiting patiently by a tree further up ahead. When he senses that she is ready to move, he carries on, sprinting through the forest.

Noticing the direction the fox took, before following, she grabs the leaf she just drank from and twists it in such a way as to make a little water carrier, poking a strip of splinter through to hold it. She trickles water from another leaf into her carrier and continues to do so along the way.

Walking through the jungle feels like she is in a fantastical world, an escapade into the colourful hallucinatory world of animals, like a private nature lesson. She fancies herself a nature geek, as she role-plays a host in a documentary expounding on the wonders of the natural world, from a made-up script in her mind. It distracts her from her impending doom, from her reality of why she is in this predicament in the first place.

ORCHARD OF MISTY DREAMS - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now