Chapter 2: The game is on

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Lavanya's Pov:

If he seriously thinks that I'll back off so easily... He got me wrong!! I will take this deal from him... And for that, I have to go to the client... Huh 😒... It all happened because of my tardiness!!! If Mom hadn't taken my phone, I would've woken up early!! This man doesn't need this deal, but just to piss me off, he did this, I know!!!

So, think: what can you do? Right? If I show Mr. Singh that Darshan isn't suitable for this job, yup, I could do that! But wait, where is he right now? I'm such an idiot! I should call him!
So i called him and got to know that he was in his office .... Lets just get this done with.....

Author's pov:

Lavanya walked into the client's office, ready to make her case. She had spent hours researching Darshan's past projects and knew that he wasn't the right fit for this job. She also spotted Darshan there already waiting for Mr Singh....

(raising an eyebrow)
Lavanya? What brings you here?

Lavanya leans in, whispering to Mr.Singh as if sharing a secret.

"Mr. Singh, "I wanted to talk to you about the project you're working on. I think you should reconsider your choice of contractor.

You know, Darshan is a talented professional, but I've found something about his recent project. It seems there have been some issues. I'm afraid it might affect your business if you continue working with him.

Mr. Singh's eyebrows furrow as he grips onto Lavanya's words.

MR. Singh
Could you provide more details, Lavanya? I wasn't aware there were any problems.

Lavanya nods, pretending to be helpful.

(lowering her voice)
Of course, I don't want to create any unnecessary tension, but it's important for me to keep you informed, considering our longstanding working relationship. I have alternative solutions that could be more suitable for your needs.

Darshan, sensing the shift in dynamics, steps forward to address the situation.

Mr. Singh, I appreciate your concern, but rest assured, we have encountered a few minor setbacks, but we are actively working to resolve them. I remain fully committed to delivering exceptional results for your business.

Mr. Singh glances between Lavanya and Darshan, weighing their words.

MR. Singh
I appreciate the transparency, Lavanya. And Darshan, your dedication speaks volumes. Let's schedule a meeting next week to discuss these concerns and potential solutions.

Lavanya, momentarily taken aback, tries to regain her composure.

(smiling falsely):
Absolutely, Mr. Singh. I look forward to the meeting.

As Lavanya discreetly exits the scene, unsuccessful in her attempt to undermine Darshan, the determined look on her face signals that she's not done yet.

The room is left with an air of tension, reminding everyone that competition can be fierce within the office walls.

Lavanya's pov:

Why did he have to be there? I could have gotten that deal! Ugh, but don't worry, there will be a new meeting happening, and I will make sure this time I get the deal! So, let's just hope for now and make your proposition more convincing so that i will get this deal!

Darshan's pov:

I can't believe that she would actually do research about my past projects... Thank God I didn't underestimate her and was present there... This girl, this is what I like about her... But this doesn't mean I won't put much effort into this deal... Bring it on, Lavanya! The game is on...


Ooo so much tashan between these two ... So what will happen next tune in to find out 😄

Till my next update munchkins 🌚💕

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