The full picture.

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September 15, 2011

'Tell me what's been happening for you this last week.' Dr Myers started, noticing immediately that you looked like you'd let yourself go a little.

'I assume you already know from Hotch.' You replied bluntly, looking off to the side at her book collection.

'Your Unit Chief and I don't correspond about the sessions after he initially refers an Agent until I brief him on your progress at the end of our time together.' She explained.

'I don't want to talk about it.' You said.

'Why? What happened?' She pushed.

'God, did you not hear what I just said?!' You snapped.

'Y/n...' Myers brought her crossed leg down and leant onto her knees. 'Can I be honest with you?'

'Would you take no for an answer?' You asked back.

'If you want me to pussyfoot around you then, sure.' She replied.

You sighed.

Everyone else is doing that already.

'Go on.' You encouraged her.

'You look like shit.' She admitted bluntly.

'Gee, thanks!' You scoffed, unable to believe those words had just come out of a therapist's mouth.

'I'm serious.' She stressed. 'You look worse than you did last week, and that's saying something.'

At least it's working.

'Do you know why I put sugar in your coffee last week?' She asked suddenly.

'Oh, so you did do it on purpose!' You called her out.

'Yes, I did.' She confirmed. 'Because Hotch had told me you've shrunk since your partner died and I wanted to see why.'

'He should give you a job with us, all the investigating you seem to be doing.' You remarked.

'Do you have an eating disorder, Y/n?' She asked matter-of-factly.

'No.' You replied almost immediately. 'What I have is a dislike for people who put sugar in my coffee when I've asked them not to.'

'Because of the calories?' She asked.

'Because that's not how I like it.' You corrected her.

Dr Myers could tell she wasn't about to get through to you about your problems with food anytime soon.

'Have you had any cases this week?' She changed the subject.

'No.' You replied bluntly.

'Isn't that unusual?' She asked.

'Not when your Chief forces you to take time off, it isn't, no.' You retorted.

'Why did he tell you to take time off?' She asked.

'Because a guy died on our last case and Hotch seems to think I'm incapable of doing my job afterwards.' You explained, your reluctance to be here evident in your entire demeanour.

'What does that have to do with you?' She continued. 'Surely you see people die a lot in your line of work?'

'I'd just talked the guy down from jumping from a three-storey building.' You said, shaking your head. 'He fell trying to get to safety.'

'That sounds tough.' She sympathised.

'Not as tough as the cases we've had where children have died, or innocent victims.' You corrected her. 'This guy was our Unsub. He'd killed twenty-seven women.'

Presumed Dead - Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now