Exit strategy.

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(3007 words)

September 26th, 2011

'Here.' Emily said to Morgan as she met him at the entrance of the building.

'Oh look at you spoiling me, thank you.' Morgan said, taking the coffee from her. 'Where's yours?'

'Oh I quit caffeine, trying to relax more.' She replied as they made their way to the elevator.

'Well don't relax too much, you've got ten hours of take down and arrest procedure training to re-certify.' Morgan told her, clicking the button for their floor.

'Since when?' Emily asked.

'Since the hearing.' Morgan told her as he sipped at his coffee.

'Am I the only one?' She asked.

'Not exactly.' He said, as the elevator doors opened and they walked out to find you walking past them. 'Y/n, come here a minute.'

You flicked your head over to them, your eyes landing on Emily.

'What's up?' You said, turning your attention to Morgan now.

'You've got ten hours of training to do.' He told you.

'What?' You asked. 'Since when?'

'That's what I said.' Emily rolled her eyes.

'Like I told Emily,' he said, shooting Emily a look, 'since the hearing.'

'So... what? Everyone's got to prove they're good at their jobs now?' You asked, resting your hand on your hip.

'It's actually just you two.' He told you.

'What?' You and Emily both asked in unison.

'Y/n you haven't had a refresher course yet this year,' Morgan told you, 'and Prentiss, you've been away.'

'Oh yeah, I guess I can't complain.' She agreed.

'I can, though.' You objected.

'Not to your trainer, you can't.' He smirked.

'You're doing it?' You asked.

'Don't get too excited, I'm about to put you through the ringer, you can believe that.' He warned.

'Can't wait.' You replied sarcastically, before continuing to the bullpen.


'Okay my little sunflowers, we've got a workplace killing right here on our doorstep at a company called Synalock.' Garcia briefed you all. 'Five victims shot and three stabbed.'

'What do we know about Synalock?' You asked.

'They're a company that deals with Internet Security.' Garcia replied.

'They've only recently moved to a new building with no current surveillance in place.' Hotch continued.

'Convenient.' You remarked, looking down at your case file.

'Are we thinking a disgruntled employee?' Emily asked. 'Someone who knew about the lack of surveillance?'

'Well, there was one employee who was MIA at the time: John Owens.' Garcia replied, bringing up a picture of him into the screen. 'We still haven't been able to locate him.'

'And any unhappy clients?' Morgan asked.

'I can certainly look into that.' Garcia replied.

'Great. Let's get going.' Hotch instructed you all.

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