Always shoot on two.

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(5480 words)

September 28 2011

You'd been sitting at your kitchen counter staring at the two halved-slices of toast in front of you for the last ten minutes.

Come on, Y/n, you're being stupid now. Just eat it. Just take a bite. One bite isn't going to hurt.

You picked up one of the lukewarm slices and held it to your face, flicking your eyes upwards at your kitchen to avoid thinking too much about it.

You brought the corner of the slice into your mouth and bit down on it, chewing the piece in your mouth before swallowing it.

See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?

You brought the slice to your mouth again, taking another bite. As you chewed at it your stomach growled aggressively.

See, you need this Y/n, come on.

You continued eating until you'd finished that half-slice, and then moved onto the next.

It wasn't until halfway through the third half-slice that the guilt started to set in.

That's okay, I can leave the rest. I've done a good job.

You stood up to clear your plate, trying to let the feeling of being pleased with yourself outweigh the guilt when your phone rang.

'Y/l/n.' You said down the phone.

'It's Hotch. Where are you?' He asked.

'I'm at home...' you replied slowly. 'We don't have a case today do we? I don't think I've had a message...'

'No, we don't.' Hotch confirmed. 'But you should come in.'

'Why? What's happened?' You asked, immediately walking around your apartment as you collected your keys and coat.

'I'll tell you when you get here.' Hotch said. 'I need to know you're able to drive here safely first.'

'Hotch?' You said worriedly, leaving your apartment and heading towards the stairs of your building.

'As soon as you get here I'll explain everything.' He said, hanging up the phone.

You rushed into your car and headed straight for work, fighting the urge not to run any red lights on the way.

'What's going on?' You asked, rushing into the bullpen where the rest of the team stood, Garcia with tears in her eyes.

The rest of the team flicked their head up towards Hotch's office, clearly not wanting to tell you themselves. When he didn't come out, you rushed up the stairs.

'Hotch, what's going on?' You asked, as he paced around his desk talking on the phone with someone. He held his finger up at you to wait, and as he did you suddenly realised something.

You stepped out of the room, peering over the balcony at the team. You stepped back into Hotch's office just as he was bringing the phone away from his ear.

'Where's Emily?' You asked worriedly.

Hotch held his hands out towards you, presumably to calm you down. It didn't work.

'There's a hostage situation at the local bank.' Hotch explained.

'What and we're working it?' You asked, confused.

'We are now.' Hotch said. You shook your head, not understanding why the BAU was necessary here. 'Emily's one of the hostages.'

All the blood in your face seemed to drain.

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