update on the current status of this book.

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I'm genuinely sorry for being inactive for a LONG period of time

Can't believe I've done it again

Sorry for not updating and leaving this book hanging for so long, lately I've been spending more time to take care of myself since I've been mentally unstable for the past few months that I've forgotten of this books' existence and I deeply apologise for that😭🙏🙏🙏

I'm not sure if there are still even anyone reading this poorly written book of mine but. . .

I have bad news

︎I'm discontinuing this book.

Yeah you read it right

Sadly I don't have any more ideas and I'm not even sure if I would want to continue to write more of this book

And I felt like the plot of this book is sorta confusing and messy and also very boring and uninteresting. I tried to figure out how to reorganise it all that I ended up taking a huge fat break and forgot about it


︎but there's a slight chance that I'll reconsider and continuing this book in the future but I'm not trying to give anyone any fake hopes

Again, I'm sorry for all this. You all are so sweet and supporting my work but in the end I decided to stop writing this book:(

That's all I've got to say since I don't want to make this too long and make it even more boring than it already is

Goodbye, and thank you all for the comments, the love and support you gave to this book, but I'm afraid this is where I'll have to end it

Thank you so much if you took the time to read all of this until the end.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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