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A/n:" Alright guys this book is definitely different from what I normally write. But hey I think y'all will like it anyways on to the chapter."
"Talking "
Location: college
(Y/n POV)

Y/n:" ugh! What I would give to be with a beautiful black woman right now."

???:" Is that all you think about y/n?"

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???:" Is that all you think about y/n?"

Y/n:" I'm sorry but I'm just saying it's boring just studying, you know saki?"

Saki:" I can't understand you. You like black women that makes no sense. White women are so much better."

Y/n:" I really don't get you saki. Black women are so much better."

Saki:" that's a lie but we need to get to work now."

Y/n:" first off it's not a lie; second yeah your right." *We opened our books and started writing stuff down for the project. I get a call from my bother Angie.* "hey Angie. Huh? Yeah sure I'll come over in 30 minutes."

Saki:" what did Angie want?"

Y/n:" oh he wanted me to go and see him for the tuition money and we were going to go out to eat today."

Saki:" oh cool. were did he work Again?"

Y/n:" oh at the hostess club for futas."

Saki:" right I forgot he only likes black futas."

Y/n:" yeah but I don't understand we're twins but I like normal women and futas."

Saki:" only if they're black that's the one thing you and your brother have in common."

Y/n:" Yeah. Oh here's the thing we were looking for."

Saki:" yay! We're not going to fail the reading project!" *Saki gets a call from someone.* "o-oh! I have to go."

Y/n:" huh?! What happened!?"

Saki:" my sister and mom were in the hospital and she was in a car crash."

Y/n:" eh! Well let's go!" *I said getting up and putting up the book.*

Saki:" why are you coming?" *He said running out the door while I followed behind.*

Y/n:" first off your my friend, second they're important to me too!" *I said catching up.*

Saki:" ok then let go!" *We ran to the bus stop.*

Time skip.
Location: hospital.

*We ran into the hospital and went to the women at the registration.*

Saki:" we're here to see yozu maku, and Alice maku! I'm yozu's son and Alice's brother."

Y/n:" I'm his best friend and I'm pretty sure I'm on one of their emergencies contacts."

BLACKED By Dark Elves (Dark elves heram x femboy reader)Where stories live. Discover now