Chapter 9

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I enter the court room going over and sitting down with my father by my side

Oh great Dumbledore is here with the dude that has to follow him around, who doesn't seem impressed but what can I say he is causing a problem but unfortunately he was the one that put me with the Dursley's and did check ups on me, meaning he is a suspect of it all

My body froze as my abused aka my uncle came in, atleast he has lost a little bit

Judge- "now we are here today because Vernon Dursley here abused and neglected, Harry Potter here, his nephew through marriage, with his wife allowing him to do it all. Now our first suspect please come to the stand"

Harry- let's just say there was a few neighbours who come up, majority of them tell about there suspicious and the noisy complaints of screaming and shouting throughout the years. Then the weird squib neightbour went up and shockingly she vouched for me, even though last time I check she was working for Dumbledore, who didn't seem impressed with her. Then Dumbledore went up

Lawyer- "you was the person who place Mr Potter with the Dursley's, am I correct?"

Dumbledore- he nods "that is correct"

Lawyer- "now did you know that Mr Potter was being harmed?"

Dumbledore- "No I didn't"

Auror- "lie"

Lawyer- "and who are you?"

Auror- "the law officer, no not the police more higher up like FBI sort of agent situation but another company, I can not speak of or say so basically I work in law. I am the man who has to follow this man because of the crimes he has committed, so basically I am a bodyguard more for the students and Mr Potter here. Dumbledore here won't be going to a trial from were we live in Scotland but he did know about the abuse and neglect, he paid then to do it so he could make someone he can easily manipulate, you see he isn't just a headmaster but he was a war officer to got people into army, when there wasn't much join, he decided to do it through students especially students who suffer because of their family, because of this whole abuse and neglect situation with Mr Potter here, everything has been proven" he gives photos he has been keep that was given to him by the Ministry as proof to the muggle judge to show that what Harry Potter went through is true, even a photo involving his face as proof

Judge- he looks through the photos, knowing full well this is definitely the boy in front of him "Mr Dumbledore please leave the stand as you haven't been truthful as you said you would when you put your hand on the bible" he watched the old man leave the stand and get followed by the man who gave him the photos "now Mr Potter to the stand"

Harry- I firstly put my hand on the bible saying I will tell the truth before sitting down

Lawyer- "so Mr Potter, when did the abuse start?"

Harry- "around 2 years old, the neglect happened three months after as the saw it also as a fit punishment on to of the beatings"

Lawyer- "did Mr Dursley use just his hand or?"

Harry- "Hands, feet/legs aka stamp on me and kick me, his belt which he got two; his usual one he always wear which new one throughout the years and a belt with spikes on it. He also used a knife, which he started using when I was six years old to cut or carve words into me, he even a few times left me to bleed out but every time which I don't know how, I luckily survive, either because of strength or was a miracle. I have in the past tried to escape but would always be found but Mr Dumbledore army people or by the police, my uncle or aunt surprisingly didn't luck for me but got someone to do it for them, aka contact the police or Mr Dumbledore because they needed and wanted the money, as my uncle work did good pay but with the extra money on top, well my uncle likes his alcohol and my aunt loves a good shopping spree as Mr Dumbledore was giving them 2000 a week, which I don't know where the money was coming from until I found out he was taking the money for my dead parents which was going to me when I turn eighteen and my bank account which I have until the money from that goes into then main, it so I can basically survive if my parents died, which they did so they planned it for the private school I go to, that they went to so they wanted me to go to as well, and anything like a roof over my head, clothes, usual expenses like toothpaste & toothbrush, toilet paper and so on, as well as food and drinks"

Judge- "thank you Mr Potter, you shall go back to your seat as we and the others, go and see what we should do to this horrid man" they leave the room and come back twenty minutes later "well, Vernon Dursley you will be sentence for fifty years in prison, after thirty you will be trialed if you have had good behaviour, which I for once wish you don't succeed in that. Now that is all" he slams his hammer down and watches as the whale of the man get taken out of the room. He smiles knowing he did well before going into the back room to have his celebration meal, a good McDonald's that was brought here by his living wife



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