Chapter 12

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Few months later

I stay hidden as I see the whole argument happening, I am surpised I am quiet as every now and again my thoughts blurting out has been playing up

But apparently that only been happening when I have too much energy or having anxiety or depressing thoughts, which yeah happen all the time but alot less through the past few months

I watch as Father steps in front of Draco knowing full well Draco didn't yet want to kill even though he said himself Dumbledore would of been a good first kill but his parents wish for him to not go down the killing someone path, so he is going to stick to that and be pure when it comes to killing but everything else he is allowed to do aka the other unforgivables or whatever he wants

I race up the stairs now standing in front of me father, who tries to grab me but I get my magic to push them away as I point my wand at Dumbledore

"You have ruined my life before I got adopted. You put me into a home where you was paying for them to starve me and abuse me. What some sick headmaster are you because you certainly shouldn't of ever been headmaster and you should of had the job taken from you the second people knew what you did to me. You even allowed my own father to be in an abusive home when he was a child. You even allowed the dark lord to be within an abusive orphanage in hope that he will become a dark lord so you can start a war again to be relevant to the society of the magical world. Luckily my father did become dark but a second dark lord like you intended to and me you expected me to be the same after I defeat the dark lord, you love creating dark lords out of people who are abused and neglected, as you easily manipulate them and control them to do you bidding, now that is stopping, no more controlling those who have been through alot"

Dumbledore- "but boy the abused and neglect are amazing soldiers for the war. I made you stronger and more powerful, as I knew you magic will grow and grow because of the harm that was happening to you"

Harry- I snort "you old fool, my magic was powerful when I was born, my level got stronger because I was growing, not because I was being abused and starved. Get your facts right next time old fool. Oh wait there won't be a next time. Avada Kedavra!" I watch him go over the edge as I stepped forwards and watched him hit the ground

Mcgonagall knew this was happening tonight and now the plans are in place as she steps outside with the students who cheer, laugh and shout at the headmasters death, as they look up at us all with a smile

"See father they now love us for getting rid of that man"

Severus- when he was free from his son's spell, he rushes over and hugs him "never do that to me again son, you knew how dangerous that situation was, and I told you to hide and watch, not participate, but I am glad you are alright and I am glad you are safe"

Bellatrix- "awww is Severus Snape, scared that his son was going to get himself killed"

Severus- "yes, yes I was as he has been through alot in his life, I will always make sure he is safe and has a happy life"

Harry- I smile as I hug him harder "thank you father"

Severus- he kisses his forehead "you are welcome son"



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