We are sitting in a restaurant in the muggle world, I have ordered myself spaghetti bolognas while father has order himself stake
"Thank you for bringing me here, father"
Severus- he smiles "your welcome, after all we have to celebrate that horrible man going to prison and not free within the world, plus if he got sent free like Dumbledore was trying to do, he would of tried to get you to go back to live with him, even say that you lied and that to the magical world, even though there was proof in the daily prophet of your abuse and neglect"
Harry- "I just wished I told someone else sooner rather than later. I could of been free from them ages ago instead of trapped with them this whole time"
Severus- "don't trouble yourself, son. Atleast you are now free from them"
Harry- I nod and smile "yeah. Where will we be staying for the summer?" I ask trying to change the conversation
Severus- "at Malfoy Manor"
Harry- I chuckle "well thats going to be interesting or worse, I could end up getting myself kill by the dark lord"
Severus- "he won't kill you even though he wasn't impressed about you outing him to be a halfblood and not a pureblood, but he got over it especially since some of his followers had already guess with know his original last name even though after a while he went by his mothers name Gaunt but anyway, he won't kill you yeah probably in a mood with you but won't pull anything on you as in horrible spells wise especially since people now know the unforgivables don't work on you at all"
Harry- "I just hope it will be a good summer, relaxing and having fun"
Severus- "it will be, Harry, I will make sure of it"
Harry- I smile "thank you father"
Severus- he smiles back "your welcome son"
Truth Serum
FanfictionWhen a potion accident happen causing Harry to then not only see lies or truths but he also blurts out the truth or whatever is on his mind at the time if someone questions him, but eventually it will get worse as the no control of his words at all...