⋆Chapter 3⋆

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Summer ended, and it was officially autumn, and that means school starts. Yunho woke up a bit grumpy, because of two reasons. First, the last time he talked with Mingi was Friday after the dance class ended, and second – today is fucking Monday and school starts so that's just great.

 He wanted to talk to the younger male over the weekend, but he was just too shy, and he didn't know why himself. He pushed his thoughts away and went to get ready.

⋆ ♫ ⋆♪

Yunho was waiting for his friends near the school's entrance, because all four of them wanted to walk together into their last year of hell. 

Yunho couldn't believe that he will be finishing school soon, that means he won't see a lot of his friends, his best friends might go their separate ways and they won't cross paths again, he won't see Ming-

"Hey, you okay Yunho? You look very sad. I mean, yes, we must go to that prison BUT COME ON IT'S OUR LAST YEAR- OW what was that for Yeosang?!" 

Wooyoung screamed as Yeosang hit him on the back of his head. "Use your little brain and think why Yunho or any of us might not be in the mood" Yeosang said annoyed and turned to Yunho. "Sorry that Woo is annoying as shit" Yunho just laughed at his friends and their little bickering but quickly noticed that one is missing. 

"Hey guys, where is Joong?" Both looked at Yunho not knowing what to say but then Wooyoung made a loud OHH while Yeosang probably went deaf with wooyoung screaming in his ear for God knows how many times now. 

"Joong said that he's going with someone else, he didn't say who though OH! Do you think he has like a secret boyfriend?!" Yeosang and Yunho just sighed and started walking to school while Wooyoung started running behind them to catch up still making conspiracy theorys about HongJoong and his love life.

 If Joong was seeing someone he would definitely tell them so Yunho and Yeosang weren't worried or curious...

⋆ ♫ ⋆♪

"Classes" just ended, and Yunho started to go to his locker to drop of couple of his books so he wouldn't torture his back the following days. While he was putting his stuff, he got a message.

Princess Mingihas sent you a message


Hey :D 

You busy? 

Maybe want to go to a café with me? 😏😏

My friends are busy to hang out with me and I'm bored😭😭💔

Yunho's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know why though, it's not like he liked Mingi or shit. Yes, he was very attractive but that doesn't mean anything. Whatever, it was probably because he didn't expect a message from him..

Ye ofc :)) 

let's meet in front of school okay??


⋆ ♫ ⋆♪

After both of them met, they made their way to a very popular cafe - 𝕎𝕆ℕ𝔻𝔼ℝ𝕃𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕆𝕗 ℂ𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕖. It was a bit awkward at first, but it worked out later on. 

Yunho ordered a simple black coffee with a slice of cheesecake, and Mingi got a Frappe and mint chocolate. After placing their order, they went to find a spot in the back of the cafe where not a lot of people were. It was very cozy and actually very pretty. 

"So how did it go? Like the new teachers you got?" Yunho smirked knowing that Mingi wasn't very pleased with the changes he got while starting 11th grade.

"Bro why can't we get younger teachers who are fun and easy to talk to. Instead, we get some grumpy old people who should already be lying in their coffins by now" That made both of them crack up a bit. 

They carried on with their conversation until their drinks and desserts arrived. Both thanked the waitress. She smiled and added a friendly wink "Enjoy your date gentleman" and made her way to the front of the café. Yunho was confused and a bit red, but Mingi just chuckled before saying 

"Sorry my bad, I forgot to tell you that this café was famous for couples going on dates" 

⋆ ♫ ⋆♪

They had fun and both enjoyed each other's company. Yunho was still a little bit embarrassed about the whole 'couples date place' thing but he got over it. 

"I think we should be going now, I still have to buy some stuff for tomorrow you know?" Mingi said standing up from the table with a small frown. 

He would still gladly spend another hour or two with Yunho but he had other shit to do. What cheered him up a bit, is a fact that they had a dance practice later so they will see each other again. 

But don't think about it in a weird way though, Mingi just thinks about him as a friend, a really good one, right?

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Thank you for those who are still reading this book!!😭❤️‍🔥 I haven't been active here for a whole week sooo I need to make a lot of chapters for you guys😅 Thanks again and hoped you enjoyedddd 

(I promise it will get more interesting later because ✨drama✨, also sorry for any grammar mistakes because it's the middle of the night, I'm tired af and my parents are mad I'm not sleeping so ye :DD)

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