⋆Chapter 5⋆

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A/N: I changed Chaeyoung to Lisa, so i hoped you didn't get too confused😅

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It was the next day, Tuesday to be exact. Mingi was exhausted from yesterday. His whole body felt numb, and it was hard to even get out of bed, but he needed to be strong for school and later ballet class. 

He went to get a quick shower, brush his teeth and dress for school. The house was very quiet, so he assumed his mom already went to work, like always. He went downstairs to get something to eat but before he looked in the fridge, he found a note from his mom. 

'Hey sweety, I got called to work very early, so I'm very sorry I couldn't greet you in the morning. I left some food in the fridge, so eat up! Have a good day at school, love you'. 

Mingi let out a sigh. His mom always leaves early and comes back very late, so he sees her very rarely. This made his mood even worse than it already was, and he wasn't even hungry anymore. 

He threw the note away, got his backpack and got out of the house. Most of the time he takes the bus, but since he saved some time from not eating breakfast, he thought a morning walk would be great. 

He got an idea to invite one of his friends to walk together with him since it would be more fun, but he doubted any of them would be ready. Still, Mingi texted them, in hopes of at least one of them coming along. 

Jongho and Seonghwa said their parents will be dropping them of so they couldn't come with him, however, San agreed. This cheered up Mingi a bit and he continued his way towards the school. San lives a bit further than Mingi, so they agreed to meet next to a small shop that was near Sans house.

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They both met up and were already making their way to school. 

"So, how's the ballet thingy going on for you? I heard from Mina that a new guy joined, is he cute?" San asked as he looked at Mingi with a slight smirk. Mingi looked at his friend a bit annoyed and lightly punched his shoulder. 

"It's going well I think, we're getting ready for another ballet event so I'm feeling a bit, you know, tired but it's all good. And the new guy part, yes, a new guy joined, and I would say we're pretty good friends, and he's cool I guess." 

Mingi finished and looked at ground, because suddenly it became so interesting. San could feel that Mingi was starting to feel shy and tried to avoid the topic about ballet, but he wanted to tease the taller boy. 

"What's his name? From what Mina said and from your little information he seems chill, maybe we should invite him and maybe his friends to eat lunch with us hm? What do you say?" San asked as he poked Mingis side. 

"Yeah umm no, how about we don't do that, I mean I still don't know the guy well so it might be weird to offer him to sit with us, plus none of us know his friends and they could be weird or something, so I really don't know." 

Mingi stopped talking since he needed to catch his breath, while San just smiled to himself and replayed with "What if I told you that Seonghwa might know someone from his friends?" He finished with a giggle and sped up his pace. 

Mingi was speechless because one, he didn't expect these kind of news this early in the morning, and two, he felt betrayed because one of his best friends didn't tell him this. Or maybe Seonghwa just didn't know Mingi knew Yunho, could be. 

But anyways, now there's no way he could find an excuse to not meet Yunho or his friends. He didn't know why he didn't want to, but he was just nervous maybe? 

"Hey! Wait for me, and why didn't I know Seonghwa got a boyfriend?!" Mingi yelled as he was catching up San. "He never said that he's his boyfriend but knowing him it might become true. I just hope he won't throw him away like the rest of his exes if they become a thing." 

The problem with Seonghwa is that he's kinda a fuck boy. He finds a person he likes and when he get's bored of them he just ignores them and makes them feel horrible. 

'I just hope that he won't fuck up with Yunhos friend' Mingi thought 'If that happens, who knows, maybe Yunho wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore' Whatever, Mingi ignored the negative thoughts and just listened to what San was talking about. Let's just hope Seonghwa won't fuck up.

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They made their way to Hanlim Multi Art School. They needed to go their separate ways because they had different classes so they said their goodbyes and went of. Mingi wasn't in hurry since his first class was math so it wouldn't hurt if he was one or two minutes late. 

He was calmly walking down the corridor who was crowded with people until a girl from behind him shouted his name. He turned around and saw a very familiar girl. He didn't know from where, but he knows they met before. 

The girl came closer and that's went it hit him 'It's that annoying girl from ballet class, what was her name again, Lisa? Probably.' 

Mingi didn't really know why she was annoying, but just her aura didn't sit with him right, also she's very clingy and noisy and gets into everybody's business. She finally made her way to Mingi and made a "cute" face, which mingi found cringy and unnecessary but whatever. 

"I was watching you dance in class yesterday and what can I say, you're very talented. I was wondering, maybe you would want to be mine dance partner, since I'm very good and you match the energy  well." 

She leaned a bit closer, but Mingi just pushed her away lightly. "Um it's not up to me really, the teacher will decide on the finale pair, and besides, I'm fine dancing with Kazuha for the time being and I don't see any need to change her with you or anyone" 

Mingi looked at his phone and continued "Sorry but I don't want to be late for class so see you at the ballet class i guess." And with that Mingi made his way away from Lisa. 

Even though he didn't want to go to math he had to, just because he wanted to get away from that girl. 

Lisa was just left standing there. She was a bit frustrated, but she calmed down and went the opposite way, pretending like nothing happened. "I will have my way, just you wait Song Mingi."

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