Guitly Love (part 1)

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**Scene: Unlikely Carpool**

*On a bustling street in Monaco, Charles Leclerc sat in his car, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He was running late for a meeting and trying to navigate through the traffic. Suddenly, he saw a familiar face darting through the crowd, clearly in a hurry. It was Max Verstappen.*

Charles: *(muttering)* What's he doing here?

*Max hurriedly waved at Charles, signaling him to stop. Charles sighed but pulled over. Max opened the car door and slipped into the passenger seat.*

Max: *(out of breath)* Charles, I'm so glad I ran into you. I'm running late for a meeting, and my car broke down. Can you give me a ride?

Charles: *(raising an eyebrow)* Coincidence, huh?

Max: Yeah, yeah, just drive. I'll explain on the way.

*As the car started moving, Charles and Max exchanged a quick nod before the silence settled between them.*

**Scene: Unexpected Confessions**

*Max let out a deep breath, and the tension seemed to dissipate.*

Max: *(casually)* So, how's life treating you, Charles? Any special lady in your life?

Charles: *(smirking)* Oh, you know how it is, Max. Racing takes up most of my time.

Max: *(grinning)* Come on, Charles. There must be someone turning your head.

Charles: Well, there is someone, but it's complicated.

Max: *(raising an eyebrow)* Oh, do tell.

Charles: *(playfully)* What about you, Max? How's your love life?

Max: *(rolling his eyes)* Oh, you know, the usual. Juggling racing and... socializing.

*Charles smirked and turned up the charm.*

Charles: *(teasingly)* Ah, so you're a heartbreaker, huh? Breaking hearts all over the place?

Max: *(laughing)* Something like that.

**Scene: Flirting and Teasing**

*Charles turned up the charm a notch, trying to make Max laugh.*

Charles: *(smirking)* You know, Max, if you keep up that irresistible charm, you'll have all the ladies falling at your feet.

Max: *(chuckling)* Oh, please. You're not too bad yourself, Leclerc.

*Max tried to brush off the comment, but Charles persisted.*

Charles: *(playfully)* You know, if we were a couple, I don't think we'd be able to stand each other for long.

Max: *(raising an eyebrow)* Oh, really? And why's that?

Charles: *(mock serious)* Well, you have this habit of taking all the attention, and I can be a bit stubborn.

**Scene: Sudden Confessions**

*Max's face grew serious, and he looked directly at Charles.*

Max: *(softly)* You know, Charles, I've always admired you. Even when we were rivals. There's something about you that... intrigues me.

*Charles was taken aback by the sudden change in Max's tone.*

Charles: *(confused)* Max, what are you...

Max: *(interrupting)* No, let me finish. Charles, I think... I think I'm falling for you.

*Charles blinked, stunned into silence. Max's voice had an edge of hope, of vulnerability that Charles had never heard before.*

**Scene: Arguments and Tensions**

*The atmosphere in the car shifted as confusion settled between them.*

Charles: *(stuttering)* Max, I... I don't know what to say.

Max: *(voice cracking)* You don't have to say anything. I just needed you to know.

Charles: *(frustrated)* Max, this isn't fair. You have a girlfriend, and I...

Max: *(defensive)* Oh, come on, Charles. You were flirting with me just now!

**Scene: A Sudden Halt**

*Charles abruptly stopped the car by the side of the road, his face a mix of anger, frustration, and confusion.*

Max: *(confused)* Charles, what the hell are you doing?

Charles: *(voice trembling)* I can't do this, Max. I can't be a part of... this. We have to stop.

*Max's heart sank as he watched Charles, his anger replaced by a sense of defeat. He slammed the car door as he got out, and Charles was left watching, his emotions a chaotic mess.*

**Scene: Heartbreak and Desperation**

*Charles stood outside the car, his fists clenched, tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt Max, but he felt cornered.*

Charles: *(whispering)* Damn it, Max.

*Charles turned around to see Max walking away, his steps heavy and defeated. His heart ached as he watched Max's broken figure.*

**Scene: The Kidnapping**

*Suddenly, a car screeched to a halt beside Max, and before Charles could react, masked figures emerged and grabbed Max, shoving him into the car. Max fought back, his fists flying, but it was too late. Charles was frozen in shock.*

**Scene: A Desperate Chase**

*Charles snapped out of his shock and immediately started his car, determination etched into his features. He chased after the kidnappers, his heart pounding with panic and guilt.*

*His phone buzzed incessantly, his girlfriend's name flashing on the screen. But Charles couldn't answer, not now.*

**Scene: A Heartfelt Revelation**

*As he lost track of the kidnappers, Charles pulled over, his breath ragged. Tears streamed down his face as he realized the gravity of the situation.*

Charles: *(crying)* Max...

*He was torn between the love he felt for Max and the promises he had made to his girlfriend.*

**Scene: The City in Search**

*Charles combed the streets of Monaco, desperation driving him forward. His heart raced as he turned corners and chased shadows.*

*Finally, he stumbled upon the car that had taken Max. He followed it, his determination growing with every passing moment.*

**The End of the Scene**

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