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you walked through jujutsu high, it was currently october 19 2018. you were a official student at the school along with megumi, yuji and nobara. although you haven't spend much of your year with them as you were off with yuuta in Africa but you were sent back as you completed your part of the mission. you were excited to see some familiar faces especially gojo's and megumi's as you grew up basically with them.

megumi, yuji and nobara walked together to the gate and greet you "oi, fushiguro" yuji sprung up, startling megumi "what!" megumi yelled, yuji sheepishly chuckled at his outburst "well...i know (y/n) is gojo's little sister but i never really got to understand her technique, i know she's strong but that's it" yuji questioned "does someone have a crusshh" nobara teased "what no! i just wanna know!" yuji blushed "basically her technique goes like this...think of it like the irresistible force paradox, where the upstobble force meets the immovable object" megumi explained ignoring their childish antics although a flash of jealousy hit him

"oh so gojo-sensei is the immovable object?" yuji pieced together "yup and then you get the other half of the paradox, (y/n) gojo, the unstoppable force. an ability that crushes its opponents with an unknown force no one can prevent once in motion and she can command that force at will" megumi finished his explanation "so it's like they complete each other? gojo sensei and (y/n) i mean" nobara said as they were they were getting closer to the gate, she was interested as she has never meet you and yuji meet you briefly when gojo took him in.

"yahoo! megs!" you smiled brightly as they came into view, you ran up to them and jumped on megumi trapping him in a bear hug, you squeezed him wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders, your face was smushed into the crook of his neck and he hugged back on the small of his back, you jumped off and stood proudly infront of him, megumi smiled. you turned your attention to the other two students "yo itadori!" you gave him a quick fist bump "gojo, how was the mission? did you learn anything new?" he asked curiously, you smiled "hehe ofcourse i did! i focused on mastering my reversed cursed technique, i don't need to see shoko anymore!"

"woaahh! that's so cool" he jumped up with excitement "(y/n) gojo! i'm kugisaki nobara! i've heard a lot about you, i hope we can be friends" she stood infront of you and spoke with respect, you shifted your eyes from yuji to her, you looked at her with a blank stare causing her to gulp and then you laughed "haha! don't use such formalities with me" you walked up to her and shook her hand, she pulled it back and rubbed her head apologetically "sorry for that i don't normally act like this, itadori just told me about the time he meet you and how scary you were" she said embarrassed, you looked over at yuji and shot him a glare.

"don't listen to anything that idoit says and please both of you, call me (y/n). it gets confusing with my big brother around" you chuckled, you all started walking towards gojo's office. they walked ahead of you in silence, suddenly you smiled at the idea that popped up in your head "meguuumi" you said with innocence, dragging his name on your tongue with a mischievous tone, he looked back but half way you threw a punch into his face. he held his face in shook "what was that for!" he gritted his teeth, you smirked widely and pulled back into a fighting stance "let me see how much you improved yeah? itadori, kugisaki your welcomed to join to"

"but aren't you tired? you just came back from a mission!" yuji jumped up "one of my worse emotions are boredom and to put it frankly, your all boring!" you placed your hand on your hip "don't pick a fight you can't win!" nobara looked at me with a spark in her eyes, you smiled at her courage "oh don't worry, i know exactly what i'm against, remember no cursed techniques! for your sake not mine!" you teased "shut the hell up!" megumi got feed up with your antics and threw a punch your way but you caught it with your fist, your calm eyes looked into his signature glare "i'll shut up when you beat me!" you used your other hand to plant a deep punch into his stomach "if that ever happens!" you shrugged carelessly.

he doubled over in pain and yuji wasted no time to get his turn to spar with you, he ran forward lifting his right leg to plant a kick into your face but you lifted your forearm blocking it. he looked at you shocked that you sensed him although he approached from behind, you used the back of your foot to kick him in the stomach, while you were busy with yuji, nobara and megumi shared a look to attack you simultaneously. they ran up and tried to punch you but you jumped up and shifted your body in the air to be between them, as you reached the level where their head is and your right leg landed on the side of megumi's face and the left one on nobara's causing them to fall over.

you instantly turned around to block yuji's punch with your forearm, yuji looked at your left eye the right one being covered with your arm. your eyes glimmered at yuji's strength "megs, kugisaki sit this one out" you said not taking your eyes off yuji, nobara got up with out much thought and stood to the side but megumi looked up at you focusing on yuji wondering why you took a interest in him, but he got up and stood next to nobara without complaints.

"itadori, you grew in strength since i first meet you. attack me straight on, i want you to try your hardest to land a punch on me" he nodded at your request and walked back to get ready, he took a deep breath and took a stance "ready!"  he smiled "alright!" you raised your arms placing them in front of your face and shifted your legs for mobility . he started throwing punches and kicks with great speed, all of them blocked by your skillful hands, although you felt your hands growing weak after a minute of this and you came to a conclusion, you raised your left arm infront of his face while both his fists were blocked by your right and he didn't carry on just looking at you, panting heavily.

you crossed your arms and smiled "itadori, i commend your efforts, it's amazing, really. but it will take you a while until your able to beat me, your strength is exceptional but that's it, work more on your speed" he pouted, it seemed like he took your criticism to heart "of course this is all with no crused technique but raw strength is important too" you gave him a quick bump to his shoulder with your fist, it looked like he felt better and you took that as a sign to carry on walking, you stretched your arms up in the air earring a crack from your back.

"ahh that was fun" you smiled with glee the sun rays hitting your face "it hurt too" kugisaki rubbed her face "sorry! i like to see how much people improved" you apologized "even though it was your first time meeting me...am i any good?" kugisaki asked "my advice would be focus on building your strength, i use my small stature to my advantage i advice you to the same. many sorcerers focus on strength and forget how important speed is, you can be the strongest but what good are you if you can't land a hit? i'm aware of your technique and i think speed would compliment it well" you advised the ginger girl she began to speak but megumi rudely interrupted.

"well did i improve ?" megumi stepped in "i don't wanna embarrass you infront of your friends megs" you teased "no, tell me" he argued seriously "megumi, seriously. i'll talk to you in private" you said a hint of anger forming in your voice "you can advice itadori and kugisaki but not me?" he said and he stopped walking to amplify his point, you stopped your tracks and looked back to face him "no. you didn't improve, itadori who had the same amount of time as you improved greatly, what's your excuse? yeah he was inexperienced and had more room for improvement but so do you, maybe you did have some improvements but it's not on the level i expected so in my eyes no, you didn't improve" you said sternly and the atmosphere grew thicker, itadori and nobara whispered about how awkward this situation is "is that what you think?" megumi tilted his head to side "yeah" you said simply and turned your head to enter the building to see gojo leaving them outside.

"yeesh fushiguro, she really didn't hold back" nobara laughed "shut it!" he argued following you into the building, "someone's mad" yuji joked to nobara, she laughed and they both followed you in. you arrived in gojo's office without much words being exchanged, you opened the door and saw your big brother sleeping peacefully on his chair "oi, sato" you kicked his leg "gojo sensei" megumi added "he actually sleeps huh?" nobara said "of course! who do you think he is" megumi said with frustration "gojo sensei!" yuji yelled finally waking the sleep man

he raised his blind fold and one of his ocean blue eyes appeared "hey! he's up" yuji celebrated "you're the one who called us here don't go dozing off" megumi glared down at him, gojo stood up and nobara wasted no time taking a seat on his expensive chair "what are you smiling about?" megumi said not distracted by his teachers chair "oh nothing" gojo dismissed "satooo!" you jumped up happily "(y/n)!" he hugged you tightly and for a moment you were having a wholesome moment "you asshole!" you threw a punch into the bottom of his jaw "ow! what was that for!" he rubbed his jaw dramatically to make it look like he was in pain "for approving me to be sent on that long ass mission" you yelled, be just chuckled in response then smiling at finally being in your presence again.

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