20: The End of Carl 🌙/🌞

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T/W: attempted murder and other Yandere-like activities

Moon's pov:

I woke up around 3 in the morning. The perfect time to go stalking some sex offenders. Even better, my battery was at a lovely 73%. More energy to maul people to pieces and dispose of their remains.

I looked around the room and saw Sun beside me. Thankfully, he was still powered off. Sun was a pretty heavy sleeper, so I wouldn't have to worry about waking him up. Y/N, on the other hand, I had no clue how well she slept. I carefully stood, taking extra care not to bump into anything or make my bells jingle too much.

Y/N was still asleep on the bed, sprawled out across the mattress. I would've stayed to watch over her slumber, but I had things to take care of. I made my way to the door and slipped out without waking anyone up.


It wasn't too hard to find Carl. According to my database, he slept in the management suites near the office. After tonight, he'd be sleeping six feet under.

I crept along the wall and scanned the doors for Carl's name. "There you are," I mused quietly when I found his room. I tried the knob, but of course, it was locked. I slashed at the doorknob, and it clattered to the ground. I pulled on the empty hole and opened the door with ease.

"Carl~" I rumbled. "Where are ya, big boy?" There was movement from the bed, and soon after, the blankets flipped up and I saw a groggy Carl, who gave me a blank stare. "Huh?" he mumbled. "There you are," I said as I walked toward him. "Get away from me! You're trespassing!" he demanded tiredly. I secured my hand around his neck and squeezed. "Listen here, douchebag," I began as he choked. "I'm going to be the one making demands, thank you very much," I watched as Carl pathetically attempted to pry my hand off of his throat, casting his weary gaze upon me, silently begging for air.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" I teased. I loved watching naughty people suffer. And this was one very, very, naughty person. Vile, even.

I loosened my grip enough for him to breathe a little, but not enough for him to slip away. "What do you want from me, you delusional rust bucket?" Carl choked. "Watch your mouth, or this will end much sooner than intended," I warned. "I want you to stay far away from Y/N from now on. No exceptions,"

Carl scoffed in reply. "Please. I'm in one of the top positions in this place-" he took a labored breath. "-I can and will do whatever I want," he finished. I tilted my head, my faceplate spinning with it slightly. "I don't think you understood, so let me rephrase that," I snarled. "You're going to stay far away from Y/N from now on," I said.

"You don't tell me what to do," Carl grumbled. I only laughed a bit before replying. "You don't have much of a choice, I'm afraid," I said.

With that, I slammed Carl's head against the headboard of his bed, using my other hand to slash and tear into his torso. Carl's face had begun to turn purple due to lack of air, and seeing his face contorted into a look of pain and agony was priceless. The only thing that could've made it better would be if he had screamed. Unfortunately, had he done that, it would've attracted everyone's attention, and most likely would've gotten me into trouble.

As I ripped his body apart, blood splattered and gushed out onto the pillows, floor, and mattress. Some of it even got onto me, which I would undoubtedly have to scrub off later.

"That's what you get, bastard," I said as I let go of the corpse. Carl's dead body fell limply to the ground, his eyes beginning to mist over. I briefly exited the room to find a few trash bags to stuff him in and came back to dispose of his remains.

I started by breaking his limbs off one by one and placing them into the bag. I didn't bother trying to clean up the bloody mess in the room. It was already close to 3:30, and Sun would be up soon.

I took the trash bags out to the dumpsters via the air vent, emptied the trash bin, and placed Carl's remains at the bottom, returning all the other trash bags on top before heading back inside.

I made it back to the daycare in just enough time to get some cleaning supplies to wash the blood stains to the best of my ability. My clothes weren't very easy to clean, but the remaining blood stains were faint, and hardly noticeable on my pants and shirt since they were fairly dark.

I mounted my wire and flew back up to the tower, where Y/N was still sound asleep, and Sun was just waking up. He noticed me closing the balcony curtains and stretched. "Good morning, Moony!" he said happily. "Hey," I replied quietly, tying the curtains shut. Sun wandered over and gave me a big hug. "Why are your clothes all wet?" he asked, letting go of me. I tensed up a bit at the question. Sun didn't like it when I murdered people. He usually did everything possible to prevent me from doing it.

"I had to clean off some...Fizzy-Faz that spilled on me," I lied. Sun promptly sniffed my shirt and crossed his arms. "You don't use white vinegar to clean Fizzy-Faz off of clothes," he said.

Goddammit, I thought to myself. I had forgotten Sun was obsessed with cleaning, and he knew the best solution to tidy up any mess. Including stains.

"Who'd you murder this time?" Sun asked loudly. "Be quiet!" I quickly shushed him. The last thing I needed was Y/N or anyone else hearing about me murdering someone. Especially since I was still undergoing testing.

"I paid a little visit to Carl earlier this morning," I said quietly. Sun looked at me expectantly. "And?" he prodded. I sighed. "And...I took care of him," I finished. Sun looked at me for a moment. "When you say 'took care of him', do you mean-" he dragged a finger across his neck. "Yep," I said.

"Ooh..." Sun hummed as his rays slowly sank. "You did clean up the mess, right?" My lack of an answer earned an exasperated sigh from Sun. "You know management is gonna have something to say about that," he said. "Yeah, I know. But," I said. "They have no proof I did it,"

Sun's rays extended a bit more in curiosity. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I didn't clean up the mess, but I left no evidence," I explained. "For all they know, it could have been Monty or Roxy. The management suites are pretty close to the green rooms," I chuckled at the thought of Roxy or Monty being accused of murder. Roxy would undoubtedly be pissed the fuck off and start wailing about how innocent she was. Monty would probably go around smashing shit like he always does when he's angry. He's also injured a couple of workers from time to time.

I noticed Sun staring at me like I was a crackhead. "Why are you smiling like that?" he asked. "Just thinking, Sunny. Just thinking," I patted him on the shoulder before walking back over to my charger. "Could you plug me back in? I'm gonna charge a bit more," I said. Sun walked over to help plug me in. "How come? Did handling Carl take a lot of energy?" he asked. "Not really, but I'm not comfortable with only 64% power. It feels incomplete," I replied. "Besides, it won't take me that long to charge. I'm sure I'll be done in a bit," Sun nodded and gave me a goodnight kiss on my forehead.

"Good night, Moony!" he said before turning off the lights again and leaving the tower. "Good night, Sun..." I said before powering off.

1328 Words

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