Chapter 3

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The low grumble of the motorcycle passing by cars and turning onto the interstate. A clear and wide view of the city from here. The lights of the city are easier to see from here. The glow of neon and florescence casts a dome of  sleeplessness over the city. JT starts to turn off the interstate close to the river just outside of the city. He begins to slow down as he pulls into an empty parking lot. A makeshift beach is the only real attraction for the river, but it's quiet enough one can go to not be bothered. JT turns off and parks the bike. 

"Well, what ya think?" JT asked as he looked back at Tara.

Tara takes off the helmet and replies, "Even better than I expected. Figured they were a nice set of wheels, but damn. Purred like a kitten the whole ride. You know how to get around on this bad boy." Tara gets off the bike and stretches a bit. 

"Thanks. I've always liked the idea of a long ride. Listening to the growl and the shifting of gears. The wind in my hair and occasionally just whizzing past slow drivers. It's kinda fun and liberating." JT adds while lighting up a cigarette. 

Tara takes in her surroundings. "The beach. Or at least what we consider a beach. I haven't been here in a while actually." Tara walks over to a wooden railing that over looks the sandy banks and the blackened water. "Kinda sad honestly. I've never been to a real one. I've heard they can be fun, especially with the right people."

"Not really. I've been to them plenty. Sharks, jellyfish, stray mantas, and the occasional lionfish. Those goddamn lion fish." JT replies leaning against the railing next to Tara. "The sun hits you differently there too. I could be outside in my yard all day and not get sunburnt, but the moment I walk onto a beach and I don't put on sunscreen, I burn like gasoline and make lobster jealous of how red I get. Oh fuck and the sand. Course, rough, gets everywhere, and reflects the sun like a mirror." JT added putting his head into his hand.

"You've been to a real beach and you're telling me it sucks? You've got to be lying. What's a lion fish? You really see sharks often at the beach? Also, here are you even from that you've been to a beach so often?" Tara questioned him in rapid fire. 

JT took a drag of smoke before replying. "Florida. The sunshine state. Land of Florida man. The sunniest of beaches and yeah, the beach kinda sucks. Unless your into that kind of thing like my mother." JT sighs heavily. "Never really was a fan of the beach. I prefer creeks more than anything. Had a creek where I'm from called Coldwater. Take a guess as to why." 

"Let me guess. Always cold?" Tara answered sarcastically. 

"Always cold and no matter how long you stayed in it, you never got used to it. Had some wild adventures in that creek." JT chuckled to himself.

"Sounds like fun. Wish we had something like that around here. Best we got is what we call a beach, but there's never really anyone here. Everyone always seems so busy and they act like they can't just unwind for a day. Shit, I'm guilty as charged as well. If I'm not at work, I'm helping a friend or running some kind of errand." Tara sighs heavily. "It's tiring really. You seem relaxed. You said you're from Florida right? Things aren't always this hectic are they?"

"Not really. Things are laid back I'll admit. People don't live so close together as well. It's nice to not bump into your neighbor every time you want to get a glass of water." JT flicked his cigarette off towards the sand. The still lit roach showered a little bit of the sand in embers before fading away into the night. "You plan ahead going where you need to go not because you gotta deal how many people are around, but because everything is so far away from you live. I remember having to drive an hour just to go to a store. A fucking hour, just to drive an hour back after you get what you need. Sure, it sounds bad, but that's about as far as that goes."

"Then why move here? It sounds like you were living in a paradise. It's Florida for God's sake! That's where everyone retires to." Tara said spreading her arms wide open. "Why chose to move to this hellhole where everyone is either an ass or doesn't care if you've got problems? Something doesn't make sense about this you know that?"

"I just wanted to get away from everything there. Too many bad memories and I just couldn't stand to stay there anymore. I needed a change and I just chose here on a whim. No grand plan, nothing. Just a scenery change." 

"You chose a shitty scene to look at. There isn't anything but worry, panic, and rushing. No real life to be had here. From everything you told me, I'd choose Florida over this." Tara leaned back against the railing and looked down at the water. The water gently rising up and down against the bank. 

"You're missing what's in front of you then. I still have my laid back attitude and I try to not let anything get to me because you will miss everything in front of you." JT replied while staring at the bank. "Something I wish I had learned earlier." He said quieter and to himself. "For example, the river here. Sure there's not a lot of people, but that just means you can do more without having someone ruin the fun." JT backs away from the railing and starts making his way down the ramp to their left and onto the bank.

"What are you doing? It's practically pitch black out there and it's cold." Tara looked at him in confusion and curiosity.

JT turns around and starts walking backwards with his arms open. "Showing you what you're missing out on." JT slings off his backpack, kicks off his shoes and as he starts running towards the river he pulls his shirt off and throws it towards his backpack before jumping into the river and breaches his head above the water, shaking his head, causing his now soaked hair to sway wildly before settling towards the right of his face. "Come on in! The water's fine!" JT laughed out.

Tara smiled and shook her head. "I don't know about you JT. You're something else." Tara then started making her way down the ramp to the bank.

"And tonight's guest is the sassy and lovely Tara!" JT yelled from the water. "Tara! Tara! Tara!" Imitating a crowd. 

Tara blushed and she was thankful JT couldn't see it as well. "One minute you are all doom and gloom and hating on the beach and the next you're running into a cold river in the dark like it was nothing. I don't get you." 

"Sometimes it's good to be unpredictable. Life is unpredictable and we can't let that get in the way of who and what we are. Sometimes we just gotta dive head first at any opportunity we get. It's sink or swim and right now, the water's pretty nice to swim in." JT chuckled.

"I don't know if I wanna get in that right now." Tara winced hesitantly at the thought of getting in the cold, black water.

"Come on. You said it yourself, you rarely get to come out here. When are you going to realistically get that chance again?" JT was goading her on. "We've only got one life and one chance here. We gotta be there for those who are here now and right now, I only see the two of us. Now get in this water or I'll climb up there and drag you in here."

Tara smiled and tried covering it with her hand. "Fine, you got me. I'm coming in!" Tara took off her shoes and made a run for the water, throwing her sweatshirt and shirt down next to JT's stuff. She ran into and jumped in the water just as JT had and when she breached the water, her makeup was a mess and her hair was soaked as she shook her head, swaying her hair and splashing JT with it. 

"Hey, don't splash me!" JT exclaimed as he splashed water towards Tara.

"Hey!" Tara splashed water back at JT.

The two continued to do this, laughing and giggling for what felt like hours in the cold, dark water. Playing like children experiencing their first time at a beach. They tried dunking each other under the water to no avail. In that moment they had forgotten their troubles and truly felt free from the weight of the world and the troubles that were laid out in their lives. The euphoria and the weightlessness they had felt would resonate within them for the time being. 

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