Chapter 18

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When JT got home, he set all his stuff down on his kitchen island just as he would any other day and he got changed into something more relaxed. A simple black t-shirt and a pair of stonewashed blue jeans. Casual, simple, and unordinary. JT waited at home, sitting at his computer desk and decided to play a game to pass the time. He decided to hop onto Final Fantasy XIV, something he hadn't played in a while, but still paid for. Hours passed by and he finally heard his phone go off. A text from Tara that she made it home and would be ready by the time he gets there. He replied back that he was on his way and quickly gathered all of his things. His backpack, his pocket items, his gun, his bike keys and quickly made his way out the door. 

On his way, he saw traffic was getting heavy and decided to take the interstate to skip it all and as he did, getting to the top, he looked out towards the horizon and witnessed the soft oranges and reds of the sunset. The view made him nearly stop and pull over to watch it go down. It was one of those few and rare moments where one could look directly at the sun and witness only pure beauty. He pressed on however and made his way into the city. 

JT finally arrived to Tara's house and sent her a text saying he was there just outside. He took off his helmet and lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag. "Let's play the guessing game again. Sweater? Cardigan? Neither and maybe just a regular shirt? Nah, something tells me it'll be something that makes me feel underdressed like always." JT chuckled. "Guess we will have to see." JT took another drag of his cigarette and as he did, Tara walked out and she was wearing a beige cardigan with blue and red zig-zags that ran horizontally across, light blue skinny jeans, and white tennis shoes. Her make-up had been done to accent her eyes and make them stand out. "Whether you are lookin' so beautiful the stars get jealous or cuter than a button, you never cease to amaze me."

Tara smiled brightly. "Thank you!" Tara hugs and gives JT a kiss. "Are you ready to go?"

"You sure are excited about this. Yeah, let's go, but first." JT puts the helmet on Tara and laughs as it just looks plopped onto her head. He could only see her eyes, but he could tell she was giving him a look that radiated sarcasm. Tara took off the helmet and her facial expression was her squinting her eyes and looking at JT.

"Think you're funny huh?" Tara playfully throws punches at JT. "Think you can be funny with me."

JT laughed and picked up Tara, causing her to squeal. "I've got you now!"

"Put me down you beast!" Tara giggled as she kicked and punched at JT's back. "Put me down!" 

"Nah, I think we will walk to the park like this." 

"No you won't!" Tara wriggles and writhes, trying to get out of JT's grasp.

"Alright, alright." JT chuckled and set Tara down. "I won't carry you to the park.

Tara caught her breath after giggling and fighting. "Alright. I'm good." Tara put on the helmet and gave a thumbs up in a cute fashion. 

JT smiled warmly. "Hop on and let's get out of here." JT straddled the bike and Tara followed. He revved the bike up, the deep throaty growl of the engine roared through the exhaust pipe and then they were off, riding down the street, passing cars and businesses that lined the sides of the road. 

As they neared the park and a place to stop, they saw some of the decorations the city workers were putting up. Shiny orange foil pumpkin outlines and black foil bat outlines were being hung on every other street light. Black and orange tinsel was being hung between the street lights as well. The city was getting ready for Halloween in the middle of September. Pretty typical to be ready for a holiday a month before it happens, that's just how it was and it'll never change. 

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