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"Where the fuck is my girl?"

The three men turned their heads to him. Felix looked amused, eyebrows raised as he crossed his arms over his chest. The bank owner's expression didn't change much at all. The guy Hyunjin beat up, on the other hand, glared ruthlessly.

"I didn't know you had a girl," Felix spoke.

Hyunjin sharpened his gaze on him. He was going to argue, but a bark sounded out and Lily pulled herself out from under a blanket. She leaped off the couch she was on and made her way over to Hyunjin. He dropped the book in his hand and immediately squatted down, hands pushing back her fluffy ears. He kissed her forehead and shook her fur with a few muttered apologies and greetings. The tags around her neck clinked against one another with the actions.

"Ah, that girl."

Hyunjin shot Felix a look of detest and he pulled Lily closer. "What the fuck am I doing here? What are you doing here, Felix?"

The other blonde stretched with a groan. "My name's not Felix," he told him. "Lee Yongbok. Don't wear it out." He shot a flirtatious wink, then pulled his attention to Lily. "You'll get your gun back once we've gone over everything you need to know and we can trust you not to shoot our brains out."

Hyunjin stayed where he was. He didn't trust any of them either. "People know me as Jacob Martin. My real name is Lee Minho." The banker gives a lazy wave with the hand that isn't occupied by a glass of alcohol. Probably whiskey or rum. Something a rich ass would sip for leisure.

Hyunjin moved his eyes to the only unnamed man in the room. His nose twitched and he scoffed, rolling his shoulders back to express discontentment. "I.N."

The two others rolled their eyes at the guy. "Where's Jisung?"

"Asleep in another room. Don't worry, we didn't beat him up. He fell unconscious from a tranquilizer," Felix, or Yongbok, reassured. Hyunjin eased up a bit at the information. His fingers twisted some of Lily's brown and black locks nervously. Felix—he'd keep to that name since he was used to it—looked different. Hyunjin had seen him in lighter colors at work. White, beige, and other neutral tones brought his pale complexion to life.

However, he sat in front of him on a leather chair with black jeans and a loose gray shirt now. His milky skin tone had changed into a bronze tan and his circular glasses were nowhere to be seen. He didn't look clumsy or nice at all. Quite honestly, he looked like a douchebag with the way he was sitting, legs spread out to expose his lower half to anyone who walked by. And to make it worse, he had a shit-eating grin smacked onto his red heart-shaped lips.

What a fucking arrogant asshole.

I.N didn't look much better. He had a white tank top on and a black and yellow biker jacket set on the armrest of the couch. His arm rested on the back and he continued to glare at him viciously with his dangerously slanted eyes. He exuded the aura of a predator and Hyunjin's body forced himself to match on instinct. He wasn't prey. He'd make that clear again if he had to.

I.N's fringed black hair fell over his eyes with a shake of his head and he turned away, admitting defeat in their stare down. Although he won, no sense of submission was offered up. I.N completely ignored him. Hyunjin couldn't do the same. He was busy rolling his eyes up and down the fox tattoo on the man's neck.

It was outlined with thin black lines and colored in with a deep orange and white. The bushy tail wrapped around its body and the yellow eyes glared at anyone who looked at it. It matched well with the human it was printed onto. Lily tugged herself away from Hyunjin and padded over to the couch. He was met with genuine surprise when she hopped up onto the man's lap and snuggled into him.

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