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"Why does it have to be him?" Jeongin asked. His face finally allowed an expression of disgust to appear. "That's a stupid question. It can only be him." He brushed his hair back in stress. "I know we have rules but you don't have to submit to him to guarantee our safety. We found him, why isn't that good enough for you?"

Seungmin released a huff. 'Ignore him,' he signed. From the glare he was sending Jeongin, it was apparent that his temper was rising and he had switched to sign language so he didn't expose his anger.

"Yeah, ignore me. That's what you all are the best at doing." Seungmin turned on his heel and nudged Hyunjin, whispering that he should get going. "You only care when my body's hanging from fucking nails anyway."

Seungmin rotated on his foot and his features quickly formed the most disturbing expression Hyunjin had ever seen. The light in Seungmin's eyes had vanished, the once sparkling brown having turned to the color of mud. "Yang Jeongin, say another word and I'll kill you."

What should've been an unconvincing threat rolled off his tongue with such severe conviction that Hyunjin knew that if Jeongin said another word, he might not see him the next day. But even so, he spoke. "Go ahead. I'd rather die than spend this life watching over you two like a fucking background character."

Hyunjin tossed one of Lily's toys up in the air as he replayed the scene in his head. For one he had never seen Seungmin so intimidating. Well, he had once but not to that extent. It always came down to Jeongin too; the first was to protect him and the second was to punish him. Why had he been so angry? Jeongin hadn't said anything Hyunjin could think of that would upset him. Jeongin had always seemed pretty protective of Seungmin so seeing them fight was bizarre. And threatening to kill someone wasn't something to take lightly. Not when it was said the way it was.

If he went and searched for Jeongin would he find him or would Seungmin tell him he had killed him? For the first time, he really couldn't say for sure he knew the answer. He did know one thing. Seungmin was keeping something from him. He wouldn't have told Jeongin to keep his mouth shut otherwise. Hyunjin had a suspicion about what it could be, as ridiculous as it may sound. He had Jisung to thank for that.

Hyunjin got up from his bed and sent the man a text, telling him he needed to see him. Jisung agreed, adding that he had something to discuss with him as well. They met in the cafeteria in the middle of the night, no one around to bother them but Lily who was staring at the exit. Jisung looked like he usually did, although the bags beneath his eyes had gotten worse. Jisung laid his arms on the table they sat at and sighed.

"These dreams are going to be the death of me," he said quite literally the second Hyunjin took his seat.

"Did you get another one?" Hyunjin asked.

Jisung shook his head. "They just got more detailed. Anyway, what did you need me for?"

Hyunjin looked around the room for a few seconds, trying to decide how he would word what he wanted to say. "You mentioned that one of your dreams had something to do with nailing someone's wrists, right?"

Jisung grimaced. "Yeah. I practically crucified the guy. Why?"

"I heard something yesterday that caught my attention. I've been ignoring my gut for a while but I think it snapped me out of it." Hyunjin put his chin on the palm of his hand. "Jeongin and Seungmin were arguing."

"Everyone argues."

"Seungmin threatened to kill Jeongin."

Jisung's eyes widened. "What?"

"At first I thought it was just a threat to scare him but there was a certain look in both of their eyes. I'm pretty sure they were both serious. Maybe Seungmin would have been hesitant, I don't know. I do know that he looked ready to kill and Jeongin was ready to die. Not to mention Seungmin was trying to shut Jeongin up and two of the things he said struck up some past conversations."

Case 143 🌹 SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now