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What the fuck did someone do on a date?

Hyunjin had finally decided to take that trip back to his apartment to grab his necessities. Felix had said he took care of their situation somehow. He hadn't been curious previously but now he was slightly interested in what story he gave Chris. Jisung and Hyunjin suddenly up and leaving would cause suspicion. If they had randomly died Chris would have gotten his hands on the case himself. That would have been messy. Chris was just as good as them.

He didn't have the time to think about all that though. Hyunjin had a date. A legitimate date. The first. He was like a sixteen-year-old all over again. What the fuck did one wear? What the fuck did they do? He hadn't thought that far ahead. He was nervous. The guy who could take a life without hesitation was nervous about spending a few hours with someone he knew already liked him. What type of bullshit was that?

Now he was becoming Jeongin, cursing up a storm. He couldn't help it. His vocabulary was a mix of dumb and dumber thoughts. Did he bring Lily? He needed an opinion. He didn't trust Changbin's as he was. Jisung was inexperienced in actually impressing a date. There was no way he was asking Jeongin. That left Minho or Felix.

He sighed and packed up some stuff to take back to the warehouse. Lily's harnesses and toys. His clothes. Things he needed. That was all there was in that apartment anyway. He didn't keep stuff that he didn't use frequently. When he returned to the base he unpacked his few boxes and filled the empty room with his stuff. Lily seemed happy to have her fluffy bed back, as she was rolling around in it. He played with her for a few minutes before stepping out of the room to find one of the two guys he needed the help of.

Of course, Minho was in his office and when he found him it wasn't hard to find Felix. They both gave him odd expressions. "What?"

"You're thirty and you can't plan a fuckin' date?" Felix questioned.

Hyunjin's arms crossed over his chest defensively. His face lit up with color and he scoffed. "I was in the military for ten years. No one dates in the military. It's full of guys looking for one-night stands."

"Have you tried this really easy tactic?" Minho spread his fingers and made jazz hands. "It's called being yourself."

Hyunjin deadpanned. "You know what, Felix, you can't even get a date, and Minho, you are blind as hell. I bet Jeongin is better at advice than both of you combined," he insulted.

"If you make it out alive, sure. And I'm not blind," Minho commented.

"No, he's right, you're blind as fuck," Felix said. He took a seat and grabbed Minho's coffee. Hyunjin nodded at the other. At least they could agree on that.

"You are talking about Jisung."

"Who the fuck else is there to talk about?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin looked at the clock. He needed to be getting ready for his date, not listening to these idiots. But, he was curious. The two potential love interests of his friends were sitting right in front of him talking about romance. He decided to stay and listen.

"I'm taking the natural course. I want things to flow smoothly. Friends first," Minho told them, rolling his eyes. "You have no room to judge my dating style, you get in bed with every hot guy you see."

Felix scowled. "That is a lie. I barely sleep around. Changbin's the first in years!"

Hyunjin shook his head. "Your relationship with Changbin makes my head want to explode. Friends with benefits are so annoying," he said.

"I've got too much to do to worry about keeping up with someone's emotional state. It was a big enough mistake getting into bed with him. But it happened so I'll own up to it. Might as well make the best of it." Maybe it was because Hyunjin doubted anyone could have a beneficial relationship without catching some type of feeling, but he swore Felix was lying. There was something in his eyes that just looked. . . Lonely.

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