1 ?

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The news spreads like wildfire in Thailand




It's still unclear to the people, how this happened.

They want to hide what's happened inside the Theerapayankhuns, they made up stories to cover the past, some will believe it, and some will not.

The games were done according to his plan, and his theories are correct but there is a slight mistake came from his son.

Nothing can worth gain without any loss, pain, and sacrifice


There is no pain when he lost his own blood, he didn't sacrifice anything, they are the ones who sacrifice, and he doesn't have any guilt, he doesn't have any shame at all.

Them is just a piece of chess, he is a king and they are the slaves, each move is done by him, and they don't have any right to move their own.

He pities them for being weak.

A strong man should not be weak for love, for his theory, love is a weakness, it will make you down, and he understands that they are not capable of being strong, except one Kimhan.

He was so proud of him until he witness how he surrender to a stupid love.

Well, now it doesn't affect him anymore, and everything is good, now he had to shut down the rumors before it's spread everywhere, the rumors are not fake, it's true, and he will manipulate them to believe.

The sky getting darker and darker

All eyes are on Thankhun, kinn, Macau
They are bodies without a soul, a blank expression on their faces

Why are they controlling their emotions?

The feelings are not approved in Theerapayankhun

Everyone is sad for them, they lost their loved ones.

"We pray the love for the lost is forever carried in our memory

"Our thoughts and prayers are with you"

"I hope you feel surrounded by much love"

"Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts"

After the final speech, the brothers gave heart-to-heart hugs, and they reunite as brothers, there will be no boundaries between them.

"we will take care of you Macau " Korn patted his shoulder.
Macau will not believe him until he dies.
What care, he was talking?
What was the hidden meaning of his words?
Kill him?

Maybe, because he is the last member of a minor family
Macau looked at his cousins they nodded at him, he believes them, they will take care of him, and he will be safe.

Who knows if he will be safe living with a major family?

A single tear drops touch their skins, it's time to leave.

The footprint in the soil vanished from the heavy downpours, and the clouds were angered, it resulting in a thunderstorm, the petals of the flowers were soaked in rain.
The rain touched their graves

Kimhan & kornwit

Chapter 1? playlist - A Narnia Lullaby by
Harry Gregson, Williams


I have no idea whether should I continue or not
This plot was inspired by a song, I already mentioned
So you guys decide whether should I start again
Thank you for supporting me
Bye 🥀🪐

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