Chapter 2: Tickets

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No, no, no, no, no, no.

I was freaking out because me and Frankie were about to get down. We were both freaking out. But when we heard mom say: '... our beautiful children,' we got the cue to go and we both faked a smile. I was so scared I was gonna trip, because of my dress. I started to hold Frankie's hand and squeeze it so bad, it was gonna explode.

I started to focus on my mom, what was she saying again? I couldn't hear her anymore. Her voice faded away and everything started getting dark. I lend against Frankie, who immediately knew what was going on. He grabbed me tight and walked slower.

'I got you, sis,' I heard Frankie saying. I think we got off the stairs, so the spotlight didn't have to shine on us anymore. I saw everything coming back to live and I felt the sound coming back too.

Great. I can hear and see again. Everything's gonna be fine, Ariana. You're gonna be just fine.

We walked to our parents, and when mom handed the microphone to Frankie, he whispered: 'Get Ariana's medication, quick.'

We were standing in front of hundreds of people and Frankie had to come up with a speech.

'Umm... We thank you all for coming. I'd like to thank my parents first, for... organizing it, every year and all the effort and money that has been used. But I'm sure we'll make the money well spend. Have a great night and enjoy your stay.'

Mom took the microphone from Frankie, and started talking. Frankie supported me to walk to our table, table five. I saw Nonna, sitting with my medication. She got a pill out of the box and placed it on my plate and bended over. 'Are you all right?' she whispered. I lightly shook my head and placed the pill in my mouth. I used water to flush it down my throat.

I felt someone eyes on me, and even though I was already used to it, I looked at the boy. He smiled and asked me if I was alright, by raising a thumb and looking at me questioningly. I nodded and smiled. He looked away and fixed his hair.


"Enjoy your stay" That's what he said. '

Are we staying here?' Emma whispered.

I saw my dad winking at Emma and she almost screamed out of excitement. I looked back at Ariana, she was walking to a table, next to ours. Her grandma was already sitting there, and handed her a pill. Was she taking medication?

She looked at me (?!). I smiled and raised a thumb, asking her if she was all right. She nodded and shyly smiled at me. To be a little cool, I looked away (as if I wasn't really interested) and fixed my hair. I knew she was still looking at me for a second or two.

When her mom was finished with talking, we threw away our papers and went back to sit. I saw her mom getting Ariana and taking her upstairs. I was so curious... Should I go? I looked at the stairs on the left side, when I saw a sign of the bathroom. I waited a few minutes and went up.

'Where are you going?' Jason asked. I didn't want to tell him I was looking for Ariana.

'I'm going to the bathroom,' I said and I walked away.


My mom walked with me, to my room. I went to sit on the bed and she went to sit next to me.

'What is it?' I asked.

My mom sighed. 'First of all: how are you feeling?'

'I'm fine, actually.'

'Did you have another attack, like you had last time?' My mom had an worried look on her face, wich scared me to answer. I simply nodded my head and looked at my bedsheets.

'We'll go to the doctor. Tomorrow. Just don't drink too much alcohol, all right?'

'I won't.' I got up from and was about to walk away, but my mom stopped me. She grabbed my arm.

'I'm not done,' she looked me in the eyes, wich made me a little scared about what she was gonna tell me. I went to back to my place and sighed, as an cue she could start talking.

'I know... that you're not happy about what I said. About the dancing thing... I just don't know if I'm ready to let you go yet.'

'But, mom,' I grabbed her hands, 'you know you can trust me. When have I ever been drunk? When did I ever have a boyfriend? It's not that someone's gonna knock me up when I dance with him. I won't let him.' I winked at her, and she laughed a little.

'You know what... let's say you have three tickets. You can dance with three guys, only.'

'Thanks mom,' I said and I gave her a tight hug. 'I love you.'

'I love you too, Ariana.'

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