Chapter 3: Is it okay... if I kiss you?

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So she got three tickets... I need to get one, meaning... communication with my Bieber moves.

I walked past her room, so she heard me, but I didn't look in. As I walked down the stairs, I saw there were drinks on a huge table, and that the first course was already served.

'That took a while,' Jason said and he looked at me with an suspicious face. He looked up the stairs and saw Ariana getting down with her mother.

'You didn't! I can't believe you didn't even told me!' he whisper yelled.

'I didn't know she was gonna be there,' I lied.

'Yeah, of course you didn't! Tell me. What did you hear?'

I sighed. I didn't know if I should lie. I already did before and he found out.

'She's... she's only allowed to dance with three guys for this night.'

'You wanna dance with her, don't ya?' Jason asked.

'I do, actually.'

I think it was the right choice to tell him, 'cause it seems like he's gonna leave her for me.


I walked down and saw hundreds of people looking at me. But my chat with my mom really made me realize that I'm able to make my own decisions, and I need to learn how to make them. And this time I will not be scared and I will not get another attack.

As I was talking to myself, in my head, my mom whispered: 'I think I got someone who you could dance with.'

I looked at what she was looking at, and I found a pair of brown eyes that belonged to a cute guy looking at me and my mom. He was dressed neatly, in black. Just like me. He smiled and I smiled back. He walked away, to his table and I followed him. He sat directly behind me. Sh*t!

I went to sit on my seat, and when he saw me, he moved forward with his chair, so I had more space.

'Sorry,' he said. Damn, his voice.

'No, it's okay,' I said and I went to sit.

'My name's Sean,' he said. I shook his hand and started feeling butterflies inside my stomach.

'My name's Ariana,' I said and I tucked my hair behind my ear, because it started to irritate me.

'Well, Ariana, you look beautiful,' he said and he eyes looked at every inch of my body. I felt myself blushing and I didn't know what to say.

'Thanks,' I said and we both looked each other directly in the eyes. 'I'm sorry, but um... how old are you?'

'I actually just turned twenty. I wanna ask you how old you are, but I already know.'

We talked and talked, and I blushed and blushed...


I was done with my first course and I was a little thirsty, so I went to get some wine. I grabbed the bottle and poured some wine in my glass.

Out of nowhere, a girl crashed into me. The wine in my glass almost fell onto the ground, but I was able to find balance, wich kept it from happening.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you,' a pretty girl said.

'No, it's okay. Nothing bad happened.'

'Yeah, you're right.'


'Hailey,' she said. She looked calm and enthusiastic at the same time. 'Where do you sit?' she asked. 'I... I don't know the table number,' I lied. 'I forgot.'

'Well, that's table one, that's table two, that's table three, that's table four...' I saw Ariana talking with some guy of table four. He was black and he was laughing. Ariana was leaning against the chair and she looked at him with a dreamy stare.

'So, which table do you sit?' I heard Hailey asking, suddenly.

'I um... table six,' I said. My focus went back to Hailey. She was pretty, but she wasn't Ariana.


'I like you,' I said, out of the blue. 'You're funny and it's pleasant to talk to you. And I'm not just saying that, because you're a princess. You're...' I got interrupted by the chef, who was standing on the dance floor. Ariana turned her face around, but her body was still close to the chair, AKA, closer to me.

'How was the food?' he asked. Everyone applauded and gave the chef complimenting words.

'Great. For the second course, there will be a few of my assistants who'll give you a menu with different meals. They'll send your order to the kitchen and they'll answer your questions. Thank you for the attention and enjoy.' Everyone applauded a second time, and when the chef disappeared, music started playing. Ariana's mother and father went to dance on the dance floor, and so did a lot of other people.

I wanted to ask her to dance, but she asked first.

'You... wanna dance?' Ariana asked me.

'Yeah, of course,' I said and I grabbed her hand and walked with her towards the dance floor. There was an slow dance song playing. My hands were holding her waist and her hands were holding me by my shoulders.

I grabbed her hand and made her spin around. She giggled. When she came back, she placed her hands on the collarbone of my tux. We were even closer than before. My lips were only a few inches away from her, and I really, really wanted to, but I knew her parents were gonna disapprove.

'Is it okay... if I kiss you?' I asked. Her eyes went from me, to my lips.

'My parents... they won't.'

Jariana - Do You Want Me Too?Where stories live. Discover now