Chapter 17 - "School Troubles Pt.3

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It's the next day.

I woke up and as always looked at my phone to see if anything happened.

A few texts from Suisei but they were just a bunch of emojis.

I got up and put on my outfit for the day.

I woke up a little bit earlier than usual so I had some time to play some games or scroll through social media.

I decided to be a good student for once and checked my school computer and see if anything important was sent.

Anything about exams or classes I care about.

I look at my school computer and see a message sent to all the students.

I opened it and read it.


Dear Students,

This letter is sent to all the students to let you all know that the official starting date of exams week is the start of next week. Each student is sent a document with the days you have an exam to take. Exams are mandatory and if you are unavailable for one of these days contact the office in order to find an available time to take it.

  - Mr. Principal


The rest of the message displayed other information I didn't find interest in so I didn't bother to read it all

Anyways next week is the exam, thank goodness Suisei and I studied.

Now that I think about it. The concert may be next week as well.

It's already been a while and everyone is ready for it.

I'll just hope that Suisei doesn't have an exam to take the same day as the concert.


At School

I'm in class, Suisei is running a little late today but she should be able to make it before the bell rings

I see Suisei entering the room and then...


Suisei walks up to her desk breathing heavily.

"You made it Suisei."

"Mhm, I did I was so close."

The teacher takes attendance, and Suisei is still catching trying to catch her breath.

"I ran from home all the way here" says Suisei breathing heavily

"It's okay, you need water?" I asked

Without hesitation Suisei takes my water bottle and drinks from it.

"Ahh thanks you" she said

"Mhm, drink as much as you like I can refill it later."

Well there isn't much to talk about here since it's just a regular boring class.

The whole time Suisei and I were studying and quietly whispering to each other about our homework.

"Hey Y/N..."

"Yeah Suisei?"

"I got an email today from A-Chan... And uhm it's good news."

"Well what is it?" I asked

"The concert is after next week. Basically after exams."

"Oh well, uhm that's good. Luckily it isn't on the same week."

Damn a hard week of exams and then afterwards a concert...

"I should be fine, I'm not very stressed about exams to be honest I'm more stressed about the exams."

"Yeah you are doing pretty well in all your classes now."

"Mhm, I can't wait." Said Suisei cheering loudly

The entire class looked back at Suisei.

"Uhm Suisei... Do you need something?"

Suisei stops and her face turns red.

"No... I'm sorry... I got a little excited there."

"Yeah, I can see that. Be a little more respectful while I teach the class please."

Suisei sits back down awkwardly.

I laughed at Suisei a little.

"I'm going to cry." Said Suisei covering her face

The rest of the class Suisei and I were studying while also listening to the teachers lesson.

Time skip

During the school day Suisei kept singing and humming the songs she will be performing at the concert.

"Suisei your singing voice always sounds better every time I hear it." I said

"Really? It's been sounding the same to me." She said

"Well I think it's getting better everyday."

"I think you are being a little too nice Y/N."

"Yeah you may be right." I said

Suisei pats my head and I pat her head back as well.

Nothing interesting was happening the remainder of the day, it was all just school work and extra studying.

I can't wait for the concert it's so close.


Sorry that this chapter is a lot shorter but the next is going to be the concert chapter and a lot longer.

While I'm here I will give a quick announcement that I have returned, I will be writing a new chapter throughout the week and hopefully publishing them by the end of every week.

Thank you for reading

The next chapter will be longer and a lot more interesting.

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