Chapter One: The Dorm

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I woke up the next morning alone, as I was left the night before. I stood and stretched, yawning as I did so, and went to use the bathroom. I turned on the water and squirted soap into my hands. Lather, rinse. Lather, rinse. Lather, rinse. Like I was taught by the mother I'll never see again, and cannot remember.

A moment later, I heard a loud banging sound from outside my door, but hesitated to open it. Two more loud bangs outside. I flushed the toilet, and waited a full minute before opening the door. I swung the door open and instead of girls like I expected, I saw three or four boys, around my age. The one closest to me stopped short, as if he was running but expected someone different.

"Who are you?", the boy asked. His name was Thomas. I didn't know how I knew that. "Who am I? Who are you?", I retorted. A blonde boy, maybe a year older than Thomas stepped towards me. "Don't bloody mess around. There are a lot more of us than there are of you. Tell us who you are.", he said, threat dripping from every word, his manner contradicted his warm appearance. I was not phased. I stood taller and crossed my arms in front of me. "Fine. My names Aris. What else you wanna know?", I said with an edge of defiance in my voice. Those sticks were not to be trusted.

"How'd you get here? Where's the girl that slept here last night?", Thomas asked, not trying to hide the desperation in his voice. "Girl? What girl? I'm the only one here, and it's been that way since they put me here last night." Clearly, these boys knew just as much as I did. Thomas points to my door, "There's a sign right out there that says this is her room. Teresa... Agnes. No mention of a shank named Aris."

At first I thought these people were just here to berate me, but it's obvious now they're serious. "Look, man, I don't know what you're talking about. They put me in here last night, I slept in that bed"-I point to my ruffled sheets-"and I woke up about five minutes ago and took a pee. Never heard the name Teresa Agnes in my life. Sorry."

The two boys exchange looks, Thomas obviously contemplating something. The gears churning in is brain is something I know well. The blonde boy turns. "Who put you here last night?", he asked quizzically. I threw my hands in the air then slapped my thighs. Another thing the mother I'll never know used to do. The little things I remember are agonizing. "I don't even know, man. A bunch of people with guns who rescued us, told us everything would be okay now." The blonde looked perplexed. "Rescued you from what?", Thomas asked me, speaking the other boy's expression.

The memory came flooding back to me like a tidal wave. My gaze sank to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut; the memory still too fresh. I collected myself with a shaky breath and looked up at Thomas. "From the Maze, man. From the Maze.", I said. Silence fell over the room and Thomas stared at me, understanding washing over him.

"Maybe you should sit down. I think we have a lot to talk about.", he said, reaching out his hand. I stepped back. "What do you mean?", I asked, looking from face to face, "Who are you guys? Where did you come from?" I heard a sound from Thomas and looked back at him. "The Maze. The Grievers. WICKED. You name it."

I felt my eyes widen as panic flooded me; my throat closed. Another step back. "You're lying.", I choked out, barely audible. "No we're not." The other boy voiced, "Tommy's right. We need to talk. Sounds like we've come from similar places." An Asian boy with a vest of leather came in. "Who's that guy?", I asked, taking another step back. The asian boy had brought friends; and by the looks of it, a lot of them, all looking terrified. Thomas and his friend turned to see the pack of teenagers in the doorway. Thomas spoke, "Aris, meet Minho. Minho, meet Aris."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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