19. James

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-James POV-

Dinner was really fun! Daddy wasn't mean to Sebastian anymore so we didn't have to have a talk after dinner about him being nice to our guests. Violet was silly as well he had forgotten my age but then again no one really thinks about their age do they?

Sebastian looked really shocked that I'm 10 maybe it's because he thought I was younger or something. You know when relatives are surprised that you've grown up so fast? Yeah like that. Maybe. I'm not sure.

Mike was quiet through dinner though that's a bit normal. He always talks after dinner, I guess that's just how he is.

Throughout dinner there was talking done between Violet and daddy. Violet and Sebastian. Violet and me and then daddy telling me not to play with the food on my plate and eat it instead making Mike chuckle softly when I whined a bit.

Over all I think it was a wonderful dinner but something was bothering me and I think it has something to do with Sebastian and the looks he kept giving me. Mainly stares as if he was trying to look into my mind and unlock something hidden deep inside. Weird right?

-Mikes POV-

Isn't it amazing? Changing someone's age with only a few drugs and lessons? Of course no one would talk about the lessons, they weren't always the best and didn't help all the time but when something decided to stick. It did and it would start to build its own memory for said person who was in the lesson.

Jeff now known as James had gone through this. I must say taking away his memories before replacing them with James was a bit sad. I won't get to see how he would've reacted if he found out what his actual brother was going to do to him if this didn't work.

Strange how family can go against each other like that over love and power. That's not my problem though and never will be considering what happened to mine after all but that's a story for another time.

Dinner was nice Violet and Sebastian got to know how old James is and a bit more information on simple things like what was his favorite color. Anything you would ask a ten year old.

Conversations that happen at this table are normally boring just like tonight but as there were people here that knew Jeff as Jeff and not James, it made it a bit more interesting. Seeing Sebastian's face was hilarious I must admit, I don't think I've ever seen someone make that many emotions appear on their face at one time. He didn't even try to hide it though I think I'm the only one who really noticed.

After dinner is when I would talk to James and entertain him while Henry would go off and clean the kitchen or do what he needed to do before relaxing.

James doesn't really do much after eating he plays with trucks and cars, colors, watches tv, plays with dominoes or falls asleep. Today I think he's going to play with violet and maybe Sebastian, not sure or maybe he just might fall asleep on violet. It has happened many times before with me.

He will climb in your lap, rest his head against your shoulder or your chest and fall asleep like it was nothing. Didn't say he was tired or anything he just passes out and is out like a light until he is woken up for his bath.

Now it seems like we have this schedule for James to follow right? Well that's only slightly true, though we aren't the ones who created it.

You see Jeff isn't the first one to be James. Henry has done this many times before and they always do the same thing over and over again only a few things added each time so it's just a schedule that I help with when I can.

I just wonder how this James will turn out and if he will last longer than the others.....


Should I make a book on Henry and James?

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