IV - Page Turner

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Sitting quietly as he analyzed the items he had just received, Joohyuk held the copies of the suspect mugshot and the investigation report about the attempted murder done to his father a month ago. He leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh, mirroring his relief and frustration all at once.

"Wae? Are you suspicious about something?" Detective Jo Insung asked as he studied the look on his face.

"Ani, I believe it." Joohyuk responded as he scanned the last page of the report with his eyes one more time.

"Jinjja? We already wrapped it up but you know we can reinvestigate if you feel like there's something off." Insung said.

"Jinjja. Thank you for helping, hyung," Joohyuk affirmed. "I had talked to this man too when he was held at the detention center. I was able to interrogate him myself."

Insung nodded as he listened carefully. Joohyuk and him had been friends for quite a long time due to the nature of their works. "Why do you seem unhappy about everything though?" He can't help but ask.

"It's not like that, hyung." Joohyuk said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just forced myself to believe that maybe there was more into this."

"Something connected to your son's case?" Insung hypothetically spilled.

He gave a light pat on his younger friend's shoulder to comfort him as he stood up and prepared to leave. "I understand how you feel. You're desperate for a new lead about it," he said with concern.

- - -

The loud ring of Joohyuk's phone drifted him away from his deep pondering. He saw Suzy's name on the screen and immediately picked it up.

"Joohyuk," she spoke briefly on the other end of the line, her voice echoed worry within just a single word.

"Gwenchana? You don't sound fine," he asked straightforwardly. He could sense the tension in Suzy's voice, and the feeling started to reflect on him.

"Are you free to come over?" she wondered. "But don't bother if you still have work to finish," she said dismissively.

"Aniya. I'm very much free," he replied immediately to not let her change her mind.

"Sujin has a fever. I have no one else to ask to look after him. Mrs. Jang has her own emergency situation at home too. I'm set to leave soon because I have a surgery scheduled tonight and I can't just dodge on it, but I will go home as soon as it ends." Suzy spilled in detail.

He scanned the desk with his eyes for a moment, seeing all the piled up documents he is yet to read. But he promptly pushed those aside. Sujin needs him, and he couldn't let Suzy down for the hundredth time.

"Suzy-ah," Joohyuk began softly. "Calm down," he reminded her gently. "I'll be there soon. I know you don't want to bug me as much as possible but don't hesitate to call me for situations like this."

She was taken aback by his words. He was right — she made it sound like she was asking him for a favor when in fact they were both responsible for their son's well-being.

"Mian," she uttered almost quietly.

"I'm on my way," Joohyuk affirmed before hanging up the call. He quickly picked up his things and left the office.

Within a few minutes drive, he was able to set foot on their house and quickly went to Sujin's room. The moment he opened the door, his sight was greeted by Suzy who was facing the wall, having a phone call with someone. It was probably a colleague she's trying to bargain with so she could be allowed to come to the hospital a little later.

After their conversation ended, she turned to face Sujin but was surprised to see Joohyuk standing behind her. "Oh, you're here already. That was fast, gomawo. I have to go." She spoke with each word coming out of her lips so hurriedly.

She was undeniably in a frantic state, and he did not know how else he could be of help to her. But he leaned closer, his instincts driving him to hold her on both arms gently.

She was caught off guard by the sudden gesture, but she had no strength to oppose it, nor did she know if she even wanted to. "Relax. You got this. Don't drive too fast." He remindedly softly before letting her go.

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