VI - All Things End

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What seemed like a ton of force weighed heavily in her chest

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What seemed like a ton of force weighed heavily in her chest. Something she badly wanted to throw off the heights. If only she could so the thought wouldn't have to bother her anymore. 

Bright smiles. Breathing bodies without distance in between.

It was beautiful. She had to admit. They were beautiful.

Seconds ticked away as she remained staring at their wedding photos from the album that had escaped the confines of the storage box housing them. Revisited by half of their dear owners after a long time.

"Do not be afraid to contemplate it. Do not just push the thoughts aside because they can make you uncomfortable. You feel bothered because it's not trivial. If it's not trivial, it matters."

The words rang in Suzy's head as she recalled the advice sought from a counselor. It was her first time to seek help from a professional regarding family and marriage.

"It usually really is full of doubts. The past and present uncertainties make you doubt every aspect of the relationship and your partner himself."

The statements reflected back as she stared at Joohyuk's face in particular. 

"Most probably, you both have tried your best to make it work before you separated. And now that you are apart, it may not make sense to get back together when you have already experienced the worst of things in your relationship."

She darted her eyes from one photo to another. Leaving them behind pages as she took in the sight of a new image from the memento. To her sweet surprise, their first family picture appeared. It was taken the moment they finally took Sujin home after giving birth.

"Although your mind may be ready to believe that it is all over, try to listen to that voice coming from within. It's your intuition — which is correct more often than not. If it says getting back together after separation is the right thing to do, consider it with all your heart. Moreso if there's an invaluable reason."

"Would you recommend exes getting back together if it's only because of their child?"

"Situations differ and it's hard to generalize. But if you will only do it for your child's sake, think it through if it will also be good for the both of you. Your child might be greater than enough for a reason, but the more grounds there are, the better. Realize what are those. If you can find one cause that is solely about you and your partner, that would also be a good point to stand on."

"I'm not really sure if there is."

"It begins with asking yourself two basic questions. Foremost is that, if you still love him; and second, can you truly forgive?"

The remnants of their conversation continued to plague her mind. Suzy's gaze was fixated at Joohyuk in each photo. She could punch a hole in the print with how her eyes pierced through every detail. Was he a good family man? He was, yet her perception and trust in him as a father began to falter ever since that unfortunate incident.

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