Chapter 36

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Message Sent & He Is Home

Queen Asora, her regal presence undiminished by the recent battles, summoned the Spanish general to her war room. As they stood around the ornate table, surrounded by maps and tapestries, she looked him in the eyes with a steely resolve.

"General Rodriguez, I want a message sent to the British. All the bodies of their fallen soldiers shall be returned to them," Asora declared, her voice carrying the weight of authority.

The Spanish general nodded, "Your Majesty, a diplomatic gesture. I shall see to it immediately."

But concern rippled through the gathered advisors and wisemen. Judias, known for his cautious nature, spoke up, "Your Majesty, sending our crew to deliver the bodies poses a risk. They could contract diseases from the fallen or face danger from the British."

Asora listened attentively, acknowledging the valid concerns raised. Her response was firm, "Our crew will be comprised of the remaining captured enemy British soldiers and criminals who have betrayed Jamaica. No Spaniard, Korean, or Jamaican will touch any body, the traitors and enemies will pick up every bone, flesh, and body part and bring it on that boat. And whether they all live to deliver the bodies, kill each other or burn the boat down into the sea, it matters little. Either way, they face the consequences of their actions. And either way, the British will have known they lost." The Queen wickedly smiled.

The advisors exchanged uneasy glances, this was a very strong message she was suggesting, but the Spaniard General smiled, "Consider it done. I will have them start now." He bowed his head and walked out of the room with a few of his men following him, the message was soon dispatched and the crew assembled, the captured British and traitors to Jamaica were to set sail the following day with the solemn task of returning the bodies to the enemy.

The advisors to King Taehan began to wonder if the crazy ways of their King had rubbed off on her, but none dared to challenge the queen's decision. Asora remained resolute as she noticed the eyes everyone remaining in the room, "Do not try to question anything with me it will be simply futile. I want this to be a reminder to the British, that we are not weak and should not be underestimated. Your resolve should remain unbroken, and our foes shall witness the consequences of their actions."

King Taehan observed the scene unfold in the corner of the room with a mixture of pride and intrigue. His wife's unwavering resolve and the cold efficiency with which she handled diplomatic matters both impressed and, he couldn't deny, enticed him.

Internally groaning at the sheer coldness of the message, Taehan couldn't help but find it attractive. His wife, a woman not to be messed with, showcased her strength, and he couldn't be prouder. The thought crossed his mind that the message she was sending to the British mirrored exactly what he would have done himself.

He recalled a similar instance when he dealt with scheming advisors in his own kingdom. Taehan had sent the bodies of each advisor to their families' homes as a stark reminder of the consequences of their selfish actions. It was a method to show he had enough of their games and that he was watching closely.

However, his thoughts shifted to his homeland, and a sense of concern crept in. While the reports from his home Korea seemed okay, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

The Queen noticed her husband's serious expression, and after dismissing everyone else in the room, she approached him. Taehan's gaze lingered on her, appreciating the strength she exuded. As she walked around the table, his eyes involuntarily trailed down to her wide hips, and a subtle smirk played on his lips.

The Queen cut through the moment with a laugh, "Husband, you may do what you like with me, but first, you must answer my questions."

This caught Taehan's attention, a mix of amusement and curiosity in his eyes. He wondered what questions she had before his intentions took a different direction.

"Is it about your people?" The Queen asked seriously as she stopped in front of Tod him.

When Asora questioned Taehan about his concerns for his kingdom and people, he began with an initial reassurance. "Reports indicate everything is fine in Korea," he said, projecting a calm demeanor and emphasizing the stability suggested by the information he had received.

However, there was a subtle nuance in his expression, a hint of hesitation that didn't escape Asora's perceptive gaze. It was as if there was more to the story, a concern that lingered beneath the surface. Sensing this, Asora pressed further, her serious gaze prompting Taehan to open up.

But before he could delve into the deeper concerns, Asora redirected the conversation, emphasizing their commitment to honesty. "Do you want to go home to your people?" she asked, acknowledging the complex dynamics of leadership and the shared responsibility they bore for their respective kingdoms.

Taehan, frowning, revealed the deeper layer of his concerns, "The people in Jamaica feel like my own, but you are right I do wish to go back to my people, I have a lingering unease that these reports are off."

"Why do you feel the reports are off?" she inquired, seeking to understand the source of his concern.

"I've noticed a change in the general's language," Taehan confessed. "He's using slang and simpler words now, which is unusual, he's very proper if you will. For some reason I feel like he is pleading for help without making it obvious."

Asora's expression grew more serious as Taehan continued, "And there's a shortage of food and resources. We've been missing tons of supplies, and there's been an uptick in people going missing." These tangible issues painted a grim picture of potential internal challenges within the kingdom. The combination of altered communication styles, resource shortages, and an increase in missing individuals raised red flags about the stability of Korea.

The queen's eyes were full of determination as she proposed a course of action. "Let's expedite your return home, perhaps a month or two earlier," she suggested, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We could leave in about a weeks time." Recognizing the potential challenges brewing within Korea, she continued, "I can afford to leave with fewer men with me, if you don't mind leaving some of your men here it will help our people to stay and fight together in case anyone else decides to test our people. And only if you are comfortable and willing, let me examine the previous reports. Maybe I can uncover more insights or any weird information."

King Taehan, a blend of appreciation and concern etched on his face, attempted to voice reservations about altering their plans. However, the queen gently waved off his objections, encircling her arms around his hips. Her gaze met his, and with a reassuring smile, she affirmed, "You're a leader just as much as I am. Let me help you navigate this, just as you've supported me. Together, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead."

Touched by her unwavering support, Taehan found himself moved by her commitment. "I love you," he admitted sincerely, a warmth in his voice reflecting the depth of his appreciation. "Your kindness and tenderness mean the world to me."

Their connection deepened as the queen sealed their conversation with a tender kiss. The kiss turned into something warm and breathless until Queen pulled away first in a daze. The king chuckled looking at he gazed over eyes, he played with her hair that was now out in its beautiful curly way, that he likened to lions mane that hugged her face beautifully. "Asora," He said. And she hummed in response. "Never say I'm m going home again, because you are my home," he expressed, allowing the weight of those words to linger in the air, the Queens eyes opened wider and tears started to formulate she was truly loved.

As the queen's lips met his in that tender kiss, a spark ignited between them. Feeling the connection deepening, King Taehan couldn't resist the magnetic pull. The air was charged with a mixture of emotions – love, admiration, and a shared determination to face the challenges ahead.

With an unspoken understanding, Taehan gently pulled away, a glint of desire in his eyes. "Come," he whispered, his voice a soft invitation. He took her hand, leading her to their chambers. Behind closed doors, the world outside faded away as they shared a night of intimacy and connection, the moonlight witnessed their union, a silent witness to the unspoken vows exchanged in the quietude of the night.

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