Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up with a massive hangover but only the dizzy and headache like always. i always have have a stronger and faster metabolism so i can take in more alcohol then most people.

I look over at the clock and it's 10:30. I missed morning practice but I knew coach would be okay with it since he thinks "I work too hard". He says that I'm always swimming, running, or working out and that I need to take a break. So sometimes he benches me or tells me to help coach the team and yells at me when I start doing push-ups or sit-ups.

I took the glass of water that was on my bedside table and drank the whole thing. I went to set down the glass and see a piece of paper. It is from Hailey and says "I'm out with Harry and I didn't want to wake you up. Niall is coming over at 10 to keep and eye on you. TALK TO HIM! And absolutely no going into workout mode. I love you and don't hurt Niall. Love, Hailey:)"

I said to myself "Great. I'm being babysitted. Awesome. I'm almost fucking 17. I don't need to be baby-" the door opens and Niall peeps his head in. He says happily "Okay you're awake. There's breakfast downstairs for you." his Irish accent thickly lacing in his words. I've always had a thing for Irish accents. He slips out and quietly and very quickly, fangirl to myself because like every other teenage girl in the world I loved 1D and for me had a very soft spot towards Nialler, that is in my house.

I shook my head, got outta bed and slid on on of my slim fitting shirts and and shorts cause I can't typically be walking around in my bra and underwear with him here. I went downstairs and Niall is in the kitchen and said "I made you breakfast. And I know you're in the Olympics line up and all and need to stay fit. So I made you an egg white omelette with green onions, tomatoes, low fat cheese, with low sodium ham cubes. Hailey told me you like ham. And then a slice of whole wheat bread, dry."

I am shocked because nobody has ever made me a breakfast before. After a quick moment of silence I say "Thank you, Niall. But I can eat what ever I want cause I have a fast metabolism and workout way too much apparently." putting a little bit more sarcasm then intended in the end.

He says "Oh... I can make yo-" I cut him off and say "No you don't need to do that. I'll eat it. I eat anything edible really. It's fine!" I quickly trot over and take the plate from him, set it down, and give him a hug. I felt really bad now. I hate seeing people upset. I pull away and cup his face in my hands and say "It's fine, Niall. Thank you for making me breakfast."

He looked at me with and embarrassed expression on his face, his blue eyes intently looked over my face. He quietly said "Are you sure? I can make you some-" I cut him off again "I'm positive. You don't need to make something else for me." I pull away from him and grab the plate, 2 two forks, and sit on the counter. I motion for him to come and sit next to me. He comes and sits next to me and I put the plate between us and give him a fork. I take a bite of the omelette and I swear it was the best omelette I've have in a looong time.

He looks at me and says "what's wrong with it?" I say "absolutely nothing! It's just that I haven't had and omelette like this good in a very long time."

He says "oh... Why not?" I looked at him and then into my lap. He touches me shoulder and a spark runs through my body and he calmly says "You don't have to tell me. I was just curious."

I say "well it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just hard for me to tell people. I haven't really opened up to many people and the last time I did with a guy my heart got shattered."

Tears welled up in my eyes just of thinking of it and I am trying so hard to keep them in. Niall picked up the plate and moved it on the other side of him and hesitantly scooted over towards me. He put his arm around me and it just all came out. All the tears I fight to hold in. I don't cry or feel like this. Ever. I just started bawling as I curled up to Niall. I hate crying in front of people. It makes me feel weak, I hate that.

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