Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hailey's P.O.V:

We walked inside the house quietly 'cause I didn't know if Nicole was asleep or not. I mean it was only 8:45pm but you never know with her. I drag Harry behind me, holding his hand, down the hall.

I come into the living room/dining room/kitchen and see Nicole and Niall cuddling, talking and laughing with each other. I look back at Harry and back to the kids on the couch. Harry sees my dilemma and covers my mouth to keep me quiet and picks me up and silently runs upstairs into my room.

In the matter or seconds my mind is racing. She was talking about her parents. She must have told him, she had to have. Did she really open up to him?! OMG OMG OMFG!!!!!!

I was brought out of my thought rampage by that weightless free fall feeling, I quietly squeal and land on my bed. Harry closes the door and says "Dont make conclusions. They could only be stopping at the friend zone."

I give him a glare and say "you really think that they aren't gonna click? I mean you saw them. They were cuddling on the couch and they barely know each other."

He wanders aimlessly around my room and says "I don't know. Niall's a very cuddly person." He stops and the end of the bed and turns towards me "they'll either play it out and Niall will seduce her like I did to you," as he crawls up over me, planting light kisses on my arms. "Be friends with benefits," as he grinds onto my hips and a faint whimper escapes my mouth. "Or they will just be friends." and he flops beside me on the bed.

I groan and growl at him, "you're a fucking tease." He side grins at me and says "let them work out their stuff. They'll decide how it all works out." I climb and straddle his hips as he says "come'er baby girl." And pulls me in for a kiss.

After making out for a few min an he flips over and I scream as we fall of the bed we start laughing and between laughs I manage to get out "are you okay?"

He takes a breath and says "yeah. I'm good. I think." We both start laughing again and we just lay there on the floor.

Niall's P.O.V:

Nicole was even more amazing then I though she'd be. I asked her questions about her past and she eventually answered all of them. Honestly, I never thought she would trust me this fast. I also like having her in my arms. Truthfully, I never wanted to let go.

She turns off the T.V and I jokingly say "What'd you do that for?" She shakes her head and playfully hits my arm. I continue my joking and make a sad face and say "Ow. That really hurt. I'm not talking to you anymore." I fold my arms across my chest and look away from her. She snickers and plays along.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. Can I kiss it and make it better? Pwwweeeeeaaaasssseeeee?!" I looked at her from the corner of my eye and she had a puppy dog face on. Lemme tell you, it was the cutest thing. Ever.

I shake my head no but she leans down and kisses my bare bicep anyways. Her soft lips brushed over my skin and sent this uncontrollable flame over my entire body, igniting every nerve into full action.

I try my best not to smile and give in, but she just sat on my lap expectantly looking for any reaction. I eventually gave in and said "Fine. I forgive you." She bounces up and down in my lap a couple of times, hugs me, and gives me a kiss on the forehead like I did to her last night. I laugh at her child-like behavior. God, she's so damn cute.

Suddenly we hear a scream, thud, and laughter. Nicole jumped and clung to my tightly. I laughed and she pulled away blushing slightly. It was already 9:00 and to be honest I was really hungry. But when am I not. My stomach growled and she smirked at me.

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