Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I got up that morning with a more happy glow. And I have a rising suspicion it was because of a certain Irish lad with dyed blonde hair.

I did my normal school day routine and practically was a zombie walking to the car.

I did the normal school thing. Say hi to everybody, deal with a couple of passed out people, and the normal school schedule. I decided to stop by Hailey's and mine favorite ice cream place and grab a pint for a heart to heart.

I park in the drive way and sigh. It's been a long day.

I get out and walk in to a quiet house. Thank god. I hear little chatter and when I walk into the kitchen it stops. I turn around and see all the boys and Hailey's eyes on me.

I freeze up and I stutter, "um... I.. Uh.. Hi. I.. Uh. I got some ice cream. I didn't think that.. Um.. You guys would be over."

"I'll go get some more," I quickly spoke and practically bolted for the door.

Niall's POV:

I sat, not really paying attention to the conversation happening in front of me. They were talking about Nicole, and what they were going to do with her. Hailey was insanely worried about her being alone for a week.

She walked in and all the talking stopped. 'What a way to point out what we were talking about..' I thought to myself. We all followed her, watching what she was doing. She looked out of it, so when she turned around, shocked was an understatement.

She stuttered on her words, obviously not expecting us to be over. I could see a slight blush coating her cheeks. I didn't even hear what came out her mouth. Her flustered state just had me dazed.

Louis bumped my arm and I turned a gave him a look as to ask "what?".

"Go with her!" And shoved me off the couch, towards the front door.

Nicole's POV:

Niall comes trotting behind me and it made me smile for some reason. It was 4:00 and it was still fucking hot. It's getting to the end of August. The weather is pretty abnormal for London.

The ride the the ice cream parlor had so much awkward tension I could cut it with a knife. What happened to yesterday?

We got out the car and waited in line to get more. Niall started some desperate small talk which ended up with me telling him what inspired me to start swimming and how I was drafted from the Olympic team.

"... and that's that. Not really a very interesting story." I finish off, shrugging my shoulders. While I was talking, we had gotten the ice cream, paid, and was almost home.

Niall looks at me flabbergasted, "Are you kidding me?! That is totally sick!"

We arrive at the house and get out of the car, Niall carrying the ice cream.

"Okay. I told my story. What about you Mr.?" I shot back at him.

He smiled shyly at me and shrugged his shoulders as I walk into the house to the kitchen. "I don't know. I guess when I started playing guitar. Michael Búble is a big inspiration. I was just moved by music. I know I sound stupid..."

I start pulling out bowls and putting ice cream. "No it isn't! I completely understand. It does the same for me. I just have no talent or anything that would help me advance in the music industry. But I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar!"

"You know, I could always teach you how to play," Niall said with an awkward pause. "I mean... that's if you want me to."

"Really?! You'd do that??"

"Of course. I'd love to."

"Then I'm down!" He laughs at my remark and I had the growing suspicion that every word we say was being listened to.

"We could do some lessons while Hailey and Harry are gone," he suggests while picking up two bowls filled with 2 scoops of icecream each and a spoon, and starts to walk to hand them out.

"Have nothing better to do for the entire week besides swim," I tell him while I follow him with more bowls of icecream and one with a fork instead of a spoon for Liam. I've always wondered what was with him and spoons.

"Sounds like a date," Niall says. Less then a second later quickly says"I mean like something to do date, not like a date date thing. Like just two friends getting together to hang out."

I giggle at his flustered state and put away the left over icecream. I saunter back out to the rest of the group and plop myself between Hailey and Liam, nearly sitting on Liam's leg. Niall follows close behind and sits next to Louis.

Louis leans over and whispers something to Niall; next thing I know is Niall is punching Louis arm and saying "no, why the hell would I do that?" Louis starts laughing like a maniac and almost falls off the couch.

"Hello??? Earth to Nicole," a hand waves in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I so smartly reply.

"Welcome back. Hope you had a nice trip in la la land." Liam says sarcastically.

"Sorry zoned out. What did you say?"

"He asked how was your day at school. You okay?" Hailey replied. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "just like every other day I guess. Ummm Hailey can I talk to you?" I grab her hand quickly and drag her off with me in a bathroom.

"There's something wrong with me!" I quietly yell at her.

"What happened? Are you okay?"


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been SUPER busy with swimming and Waterpolo. I'm currently tanning by a pool in Santa Cruz, CA for a Waterpolo Tournament that's tomorrow. WISH ME LUCK!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for staying with me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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