Party Anxiety (Paper x OJ)

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All of the contestants were invited to a big hotel party! Everyone was having a good time: snacking, conversing with old and new friends, playing games, and dancing. It was everything that OJ could have wanted in a party!

OJ hosted the party so that everyone could unwind and forget about the show and the difficult times. OJ walked into the kitchen to grab a soda. He let out a slight gasp of surprise when he discovered Paper there alone.

"Oh, Paper! You startled me!" OJ said as he gently punched his friend's arm.

Paper stroked his arm nervously. "Yeah... sorry OJ." He responded softly, forcing out a chuckle. OJ walked behind Paper to get to the fridge. He opened it and grabbed a can of Dr. Fizz before closing it.

"Why aren't you out with the others partying? You're missing out." OJ mentioned while opening the can and downing half of it.

Paper fiddled with his hands uneasily. OJ ought to have known by now that Paper was not a sociable or confident person. Paper is nervous about attending a party, even in the safety of the hotel. "I'm not sure... I guess I'm not used to having so many people around. Hehe..."

"Aww, c'mon. Brave up a little! I'm sure the new contestants will go easy on you. All they want is to have a good time!" OJ reacted, attempting to urge Paper to have fun.

"Do you think they'll like me..?" Paper resumed his fiddling with his hands.

"Sure they'll like you! Now, how about I stick by your side and make sure everything goes smoothly?" OJ suggested, much to Paper's delight.

"O-Okay!" Paper began to perk up a little. In a way, he'll feel more at ease having OJ around. They've been friends since the beginning of the show.


Paper stood in the midst of the living room, his worried gaze darting around the room. He made an effort not to draw too much attention to himself. As he felt a touch on his shoulder, Paper flinched. He shifted his attention to find OJ; a reassuring grin spreading across his glass face.

"Don't be afraid. I'm right here if you need me."

Paper smiled. OJ was the only person Paper trusted. It's not that he doesn't trust the others; some of them do appear nice, like the suitcase he noticed a while ago talking to Balloon. But he feels more at ease and comfortable around OJ.

"Oh, let's try them first." OJ suddenly spoke. He gently took Paper's hand in his and led him to the two objects. Paper reluctantly followed.

OJ began with the older contestants; there was no harm in taking things slowly and allowing Paper to feel at ease with familiar faces.

OJ stood back and allowed Paper to make the first move. Paper gulped a little but managed to put on a brave front. He carefully approached and tapped the silver coins back.

Nickel swiftly turned around; his face flashed in irritation. "What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" He stated sharply.

"Never mind Nickel, Paper. What do you want?" Baseball asked more gently, glaring down at Nickel, as if silently urging him not to be so disrespectful. Nickel rolled his eyes.

"Oh, uh... I-I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys..?" Paper gave a nervous smile.

"Oh, sure, we can definitely hang out! Maybe we can have a sleepover or a tea party later!! Wouldn't that be great, bestie??" Nickel forced a smile.

"R-Really?!" Paper exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with joy. A tea party sounded like a lot of fun!

"What the h—NO! Can't ya' tell I was being sarcastic?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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