Chapter 1

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Sarah Pov
I was lying in bed and trying to relax on back staring at the ceiling it was dark from the night sky coming in through the window near my bed. Tara was lying with me on my stomach. Ron was out and had been since about 1800 when he had gone out with his friends. Now it's around 0237 and I'm alone and can't sleep. I've been trying to sleep for hours and still can't

I decided that I should get up and clean up my apartment cause there was nothing else I could do, and this place was a mess I decided the first thing to do was to put on some music so it wasn't quite I wasn't Blasting music but i also wasn't having super quite music to say the least it was at a good volume.

I stayed cleaning till about 0540 when I finally got done, and everything was cleaned up other than me and Ron dirty clothes. I decided that I was gonna try and call someone cause I was still bored and had lots of energy even tho it was early as fuck and I figured most of my friends would be sleeping.

*calls Ron* No answer
*calls Dad (Wyatt)* No answer
*calls Margo* No answer
*calls Victoria*

   V: Hello?
S: Ah, Victoria, finally, I didn't think anyone would be up
   V: Yeah, what's up, Sarah
S: Yeah, I'm just bored, and no one is picking up
   V: What about that boyfriend of yours? Shouldn't he pick up or at least be home at this hour?
S: he went out earlier with his friends
   V: Oh, interesting
S: Okay well whatever I can't sleep, and I just cleaned my entire apartment more or less what now.
   V: Come over here. Well, hang out all day, then you can ,sleepover. Please, it's been forever since I've seen you
S: we saw each other yesterday, but yes, I'll come over
   V: Yay, also make sure you bring that one Pj set you look really hot in. I need to make a new Instagram post
S: Got it. I'll bring it. I gonna gey packed up. See you in a few hours, get more sleep, Vic. I don't want you to be a tried bitch
   V: Okay I'll head back to sleep love ya
*(Calls ends)*

After I got off the call with Vic. I went to my closest and grabbed my duffle bag and threw it on the bed, and started getting out of my clothes I was gonna take with me and I knew I was gonna take Tara with me cause I wasn't jaut gonna leave my baby home alone. I quickly texted Ron before I left the house, so he knew we're I would be going.

Ron ❤️
S: Hey, bae, I'm heading to Victoria's place with Tara. I'm sleeping over there. I just wanted to let you know
R: Why the hell are you always going over when your boyfriend is here
S: Ron, you're not even here, and Victoria is my best friend. I'm bored here without you
R: Well, I'll be back in an hour, baby
S: Well, then we'll hang out tomorrow
R: Whatever
End of chapter 1 see you in the next one

My Best Friend Victoria De Angelis Where stories live. Discover now