Chapter 44

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 Chapter 44

  [As he leaves, I want to take another look at him. Don't worry, I won't disturb his life. I also don't want him to know that he has a murderer father. ]

  Looking at the contents of the message, Qin Xiang sighed.

  "What's the matter? Shao Jian hasn't left yet?" The husband came over and asked in a low voice while looking out.

  Qin Xiang glanced in the direction of the kitchen door and saw the three children playing chess with the old man, so he lowered his voice and said to her husband, "He said he wanted to take another look at Shao Qin when Shao Qin left."

  "Let him go quickly. What if we bump into him." The husband's tone was obviously bored.

  yes. Who wants to be involved with a murderer.

  Although, back then, Shao Jian accidentally killed someone to protect his eldest sister. But if it wasn't for Shao Jian being too messy himself, how could he get involved with that kind of person.

  "Even if we bump into it, we won't recognize it." Qin Xiang whispered. The father wants to see his son, and no one is qualified to stop him. What's more, Shao Jian didn't want to recognize Shao Qin, but just wanted to take a look from a distance.

  "Can't you recognize them? They look alike..." At this point, the husband paused, seemingly puzzled, but quickly continued, "It's better not to run into each other. Shao Qin is a star now, and Just marry Feng Jingyi, if there is a murderer father, it will have a great influence on him."

  "That's his father too." In Qin Xiang's impression, although Shao Jian was a mess, he was not bad.

  "Actually, I really don't understand. Your eldest sister is a teacher of the people, and she is gentle and generous. How could she fall in love with a gangster like Shao Jian?" The husband said with emotion.

             Qin Xiang glanced at her husband and snorted softly. She still understood her husband's little thoughts back then. I am indeed not as beautiful as my eldest sister, but unfortunately, my beauty is unlucky.

  "You don't understand. The eldest sister has been very depressed since she was a child. She has to take care of me and the second brother, and her father has strict requirements. She has never done what she wants to do. So in love, let me let myself go." Qin Xiang said, pulling the corner of his lower lip, "Besides, Shao Jian is so handsome."

  "What's the use of being handsome, when you get impulsive, you stab people with a knife." The husband shook his head, "Shao Qin is like him too, extreme."

  Qin Xiang pinched her husband's arm and said angrily, "You can just scold Shao Jian, why scold my nephew."

  "Okay. I'll scold Shao Jian." The husband rubbed his arms and said jokingly, "I think Shao Jian didn't learn well in prison, and his eyes are even more frightening. He killed someone for your sister before, and then he might kill someone for Shao Qin. "

  "Fuck!" Qin Xiang immediately became angry, and hammered her husband hard, "Are you going to die, can you shut up, shut up."

  "Oh, I was wrong, I was just joking." The husband quickly dodged.

  "Can this kind of joke be messed up?" Qin Xiang said, pushing her husband to the front of the stove, "Hurry up and cook."

  Naturally, the food cooked by my aunt and uncle can't compare with the delicious food, but Shao Qin enjoyed it very much. He suddenly realized that even if he divorced Feng Jingyi, he would not be left alone. He also had grandfather, aunt, and second uncle whom he had never met formally.

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