Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

  The kiss was beyond Shao Qin's expectation, short and gentle, until Feng Jingyi left, Shao Qin realized that he was kissed.

  Shao Qin looked at Feng Jingyi intently, and felt that the handsome face in front of him seemed to have magical powers, making him want to get closer involuntarily.

  Before the idea was formed, Shao Qin had already kissed Feng Jingyi's lips, even more passionately than Feng Jingyi. He put his arms around Feng Jingyi's neck, pressed his whole body against it, and kissed wantonly.

  Feng Jingyi reached out to wrap his arms around his back, and responded without reservation.

  After the kiss was over, the two of them touched their foreheads together, breathing heavily.

  Feng Jingyi rubbed the tip of Shao Qin's nose, and said softly, "So love is like this."

  "What is it like?" Shao Qin asked.

  Feng Jingyi laughed softly, and kissed Shao Qin again.

  The two were intimate for a while, until Feng Jingyi's cell phone rang, and then they separated. It was a video invitation from Shen Yu from the United States.

  It's morning in the US, and the baby just had breakfast and seems to be in a good mood.

  "Just now I had a stern face, and I laughed immediately when I saw you." Shen Yu revealed the truth, it turned out that the baby was not in a good mood.

  The baby can already talk a lot, and can recognize people, but he always calls Dad to Feng Jingyi and Shao Qin, and he doesn't know who he is calling him for a while.

  After chatting casually with the baby for a while, Feng Jingyi asked Shen Yu if he had any troubles in the United States.

  "It's okay in the United States. Although the doll virus is also being talked about, there is no sense of panic as in China. It should be that there are no victims." Shen Yu said.

  "Then you should stay in the United States for a while longer. The country is still a bit messy, and it will take a while to sort it out." Feng Jingyi said.

  "It doesn't matter to us. Anyway, it's OK if you take over Fengwei Group and my studio." Shen Yu said indifferently.

  Feng Jingyi gasped, reached out and rubbed his temples, "I can manage it for you for a while."

  "It's all a family, so why not help? This kid is really going too far." Shen Yu glared at Feng Jingyi unhappily, then turned to Shao Qin, "Xiao Qin, why don't you come and take over my studio Well, I think you have great taste in fashion."

  Shao Qin was still watching Feng Jingyi's joke, but he didn't want Shen Yu to mention him suddenly, so he shook his head immediately, "How can I do that. I don't have the qualifications."

  "You and Jing Yi will remarry. I think you two should not have divorced in the first place. If there is any conflict, you will get divorced. It is impulsive and irresponsible." Shen Yu taught the two of them with a straight face.

  Shao Qin glanced at Feng Jingyi, a little embarrassed, and said with little confidence, "The two of us don't have that idea yet."

  "You two better think quickly, the baby is super smart, and I may have to explain to him what a single-parent family means in a few days." Shen Yu said, winking her eyes with a malicious expression.

  "Why did you explain that to him. I..." Shao Qin panicked for a moment.

  "Oh, I'm just joking, don't be nervous. How could I explain this to him? He won't be a single-parent family, right." Shen Yu said immediately.

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