Chapter 2

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~~ Freya's POV ~~

"Hey! Wake up!" I heard someone shout, but my eyes stayed closed.

"Come on, wake up!" This time I felt a furry face nudge my own.

"Jynxy, 5 more minutes. Then I'll get up." I mumbled as I rolled over.

"No. Get up, NOW!!" The voice yelled and I jumped up.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" I yelled as I saw a guy with blue hair and Cinnamon colored eyes.(that's what the Kamigami no Asobi wiki tells me they are.)

"Jeez. Don't need to yell." He said, annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry, but I wasn't expecting to be woken up by a strange guy." I retorted.

"I'm not strange!" He yelled.

"Yes you are. I don't know you, there for you are strange." I calmly said. I felt something rub against my leg and looked to find that Jynx was the culprit, but he had wings.(he looks like the picture at the top left corner.)

"HOLLY HELL!! WHEN DID YOU GET WINGS!!" I jumped away from him.

"What? You've never seen a winged cat before?" The bluenette asked.

"Ummmm.... No. Why would I?" I asked, confused.

"Because I thought you were a goddess." He looked just as confused.

"What?! No! I'm human. I'm as human as they come."

"That's strange."


"Oh no reason."

"Since you've seen a winged cat, would he still be the same cat if he didn't have wings?"


"So would it work if you reversed it?"

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head.

"Like if he were to start out as a non winged cat, and then turned into a winged cat, would he still be the same?" I asked, this time a little annoyed.

"Yeah, I supose so."

"Good." I bent down to pick Jynx up.

"Any ways, I was sent to get you. So follow me." He said as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait up! My legs are shorter then yours!" I sprinted to catch up to him.

"Jeez. Why did I have to go and get her?" He mumbled under his breath. Now angry, I did a spin kick to his back.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled.

"That was for acting as if coming to get me is a waste of time." I retorted.

"Well it is." He stated.

"And why is that?" I was starting to get real mad now.

"Because your just a human, not a goddess like Zeus said you would be!" He spun around to face me.

"Oh yeah? Well who are you to place me below you?!" I pointed a finger at him

"Because I am a god!!"

"Oh really?! Prove it!!"

"Fine! I will!" He some how managed to change his clothes into what appeared to be armor. Jynx jumped down and started to hiss at him. The suddenly Jynx turned into a giant panther with black, bat-like wings.(Top right corner)

"W-what is all of this?" I started to take a few steps back. Then the bluenette was creating water out of thin air, and threw it at Jynx. But Jynx dogged, so the attack headed straight for me. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I put my hands out and braced for an impact. After a few seconds, I realised that the impact never came. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the bluenette gawking at me.

"So you are a goddess?!?!" He shouted.

"No I'm not! I didn't do anything!"

"Yes you did. You also look different too." He pointed at my clothes and I saw that I had indeed some how managed to change my looks. (She now looks like the pic on the bottom because I'm bad at describing clothes.)

"How did this happen?!" I asked in a panicked voice.

"Come on. We need to ask Zeus about this." He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me some where, with panther Jynx following us.

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