Chapter 6

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A trembling Haya stood facing the floor in front of Murtasim as he burned holes into her shaky figure through his eyes.

Events from the past one and a half year flashed through his mind beginning from Meerab's birthday when his and Meerab's engagement was announced by his mother without their consent, the anger and frustration he had felt at not being consulted about probably the most important decision of his life, to the morning after when he woke up to find Haya waiting for him by his bed with tears in her eyes, confessing her so-called love and he had to kick her out of his room then to the time she had successfully ruined his already unpleasant wedding night by slitting her wrists and he had to rush her to the hospital and then to the time he got a call saying Meerab had fallen from the stairs and he had hurriedly made his way to the hospital only to find out it was Haya's doing.

His mind next conjured up the image of that one night in the village when his psychotic cousin had pretended she had something in her eye only to get close to him and Meerab, appearing out of thin air, had walked in on them, completely misreading
the situation which had caused a misunderstanding between them. Next he remembered all the times Meerab had taunted him about Haya, but now he realised her taunts held a silent plea to stay away from her. That their cousin was one of the biggest obstacles in her acceptance of him. But he didnt hear them. He had been deaf then. How foolish was he?

He then remembered the night of Maryam's wedding, how Haya had carefully plotted to mislead him to believe Meerab had summoned him to their room and hugged him from behind only to have his wife walk in on them once again, this time in a very compromising position. That night was the darkest night of their lives. That one misunderstanding had ruined it all. It had lead to their biggest fight ever and the consummation of their marriage in the most unexpected way, something Murtasim regretted ever since.

That night, as he stood by the river with Bakhtu, struggling to get his thoughts straight, he hadn't even been able to overcome the guilt that had plagued him since the moment it happened when, upon returning home the next morning, he was given another shock in the form of the news that Meerab had left home. His mind flashed to the moment Haya came running out of his room with Meerab's ring, pretending as if she knew nothing.

But she knew. She knew it all. It all seemed to make sense now; like pieces of a puzzle fitting together. Meerab's silent pleas, Haya's sudden concern at the news of Meerab leaving home, her silence, her psychotic smile and teary eyes when he had practically begged her to tell Meerab the truth on that god awful night. He had been blind to not see it then but the image was clear as day in his mind now as he stood there glaring at her in the hospital. And her overly caring behaviour towards him and only him that had always irked him. And it had multiplied by a thousand ever since the news of his wife leaving broke.

He never cared for it before, he never cared for it then either because he had never paid attention to it, too busy sulking in the memories of his beautiful Meerab and being tormented by the idea that maybe he was the reason she left.

But it was all clear to him now, like fog being lifted as the bright sun of early spring cut through it after a cold, dark winter. But the feeling was far from it. His mind was clear but every vein in his body burned with anger.

He took another step closer to Haya, who stood still as a statue, her shaking body the only indication that she was still alive. Eyes shimmering with anger, he spoke, "kya kaha hai tumne?" He muttered angrily, his tone deadly, as if daring her to take back her words.

And she did exactly that, "K-k-kuch nahi..." her voice a broken whisper, taking the first step in digging her own grave. But he heard it just fine. Maa Begum and Anwar stood in a corner staring in shock, confusion and curiosity.

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