The Final Chapter- Part 2

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It was all white. And so glowy.  And quiet. There was nothing around her. No view, no scenery, no people. Just a plain, bright, brilliant white glow.

Meerab looked down at herself. She was dressed in a white gown. It was extremely soft, as if made from the finest silk there ever was. Fit for a royal personality. And she could barely feel the soft material against her skin.

Mai kahan houn? Yeh konsi jagah hai? She thought as she scanned the endless white space around her.

Suddenly a bright, almost blinding white light glowed ahead of her. Lifting a hand to shield her eyes from the blinding light, her curiosity got the better of her and her feet slowly began to move towards it. But her movements halted when a blurry shadow moved inside the light. It seemed to be approaching her. She squinted her eyes as it got closer and closer. The shadow soon transformed into a tall black silhouette of a man.

As the figure approached her, it became clearer and clearer and Meerab stood frozen as the black figure stepped out of the light. Her mouth dropped open in utter shock as she stared in disbelief at the man in front of her .

"Baba..." she murmured. She couldn't believe her eyes. Waqas Ahmed stood in front of her, dressed in a brilliant white silk kurta and trouser. The light behind him surrounded him like a halo. He look unreal. Ethereal. "Baba..." she whispered again. His skin was glowing. She had never seen it like that in her 22 years of existence. So bright, so glowy, so angelic. The light behind him seemed to cast a halo around him as he neared her. He didn't say anything as he came to stand in front of her and Meerab only received a soft smile in response, the kind f reassuring a like that would always warm her heart.

"Baba? Ye kya jagah hai? Hum kahan hain?" She asked, scanning her surroundings once more. Her voice echoed through the glowing white abyss. He still didn't say anything and just as Meerab was about to push for an answer, her eyes flickered over his shoulder, sensing more movement behind him. Another blurry silhouette appeared from the light. Meerab squinted her eyes once more as the shadow came closer, the light shining brighter than ever. It was a woman, Meerab noticed. She could tell it was a feminine figure with seemingly long hair even through the darkness.

As she stepped out of the portal of light to came to stand next to Waqas, Meerab couldn't help but take a moment to marvel at the woman's beauty. She was so beautiful. So gorgeous. But once the fascination had worn off, a new confusion settled in.

Looking at the woman, Meerab felt like she was staring at a more mature version of herself. The woman was dressed just like her, in a white silk gown. She looked like an angel. A fairy residing in the heavens. Her glossy dark brown hair cascaded down her back, stopping just at her waist. Just like hers. Her full lips were a soft pink. Just like hers. Her brown eyes were round and big. Just like hers. But for features held a certain maturity, a certain wisdom that came with age.

Meerab had never met the woman in her entire life, she had no memories with her nor had she seen any pictures or videos. But one look at her and she recognised her.

The shock was evident on her face and so was the influx of emotions as Meerab took a step towards the beautiful woman. She didn't know why, she didn't know how, but only one word came to mind as she stood in front of her and it left her mouth before she could think "Ammi...?"

Nadia glowed in the white light as she brought a soft hand up to cup Meerab's cheek. Her soft thumb caressed her cheek and she gave her a warm smile, "meri bachi, hamesha khush rahou. Mera saya hamesha tumhare saath hai" she whispered. The shimmery tears in her eyes mirrored Meerab's as she leaned forward to place a kiss on Meerab's head. Meerab stood in shock, unable to make sense of the situation and unable to stop herself, all she could say was one thing, "mujhe aap ke sath jaana hai" she gulped at the lump in her throat.

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