Chapter 7: Friday Nights

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"Kenna! Kenna! Ken-Ken! wake up," Vanessa nudged ferociously

I squirmed into revival from my mini five minute sleep, which was much needed if I was going to stay sane while studying with Vanessa and Lauren on a Friday night. Yes, Friday, the only day I look forward to since it means the exact opposite of what I'm doing right now.

I could be doing a million other things at the moment

I slowly turn to look at Lauren, who's body was sprawled over her history textbook. I contemplate waking her up especially since I wasn't the one who called this study group but decide to be a good person and let her sleep for an extra ten minutes.

Just call me the second Mother Teresa

"What it is Vanessa?" I say with my groggy voice

"This Biology stuff makes no sense! I'm literally trying everything," she says while picking up her phone to text

"Have you tried using that spectacular device of yours to search, oh I don't know, GOOGLE?" my composure was slowly warring away.

"Why would I use Google when you can just tell me the answer!? That's why we're best friends," she smiles sweetly

I'm starting to think that's exactly why

"Apart from the fact that I'm not a robot, did it ever occur to you that I might not know how to explain it as well as the internet can? That's like a billion brains on one search engine. Think about it like this: There's Google, which is the internet, and then there's Bing, which is me. People freaking search Google on Bing and then find what they want so why would you use Bing?" I finish my analogy completely out of breath

"Wow, you must be really tired because what you said was basically another language," She began to laugh.

Although I could feel my relationship changing with Vanessa, for the worse, I began to laugh with her. Laughter is always the best medicine, especially when you're out of melatonin.

Lauren tossed and turned as we finished our laughing fit. She looked like an angel with her eyes closed and face relaxed. I wonder what she was dreaming about that made her so peaceful when she was so worried about her history test.

"Thomas Jefferson should have married Sally Hemmings. She was straight fire." Lauren says while maintaining her sleeping form

Vanessa and I look at her for a second and wait for her to say more to embarrass her about it later. It'd be a great way to get her back for all the moments that she's compelled to tell me how I need a wardrobe makeover. However, like she can sense my dilemma, her eyes suddenly flash open.

"What are guys lookin' at, huh?"

Well, there goes the sleeping angel

"Oh nothing," I smile cunningly

"We were just listening to you chastise Thomas Jefferson about his mistress," Vanessa slumped onto my bed next to Lauren

"Oh my goodness, it's gotten to the point where I'm talking history in my sleep!? I think we've done enough studying today ladies,"

I couldn't have agreed with that statement more. The rare time that I have these two at my house without complaining about some party that's going on and we've spent most of the afternoon and night studying. James even refrained from texting me to 'Allow me to talk about how great he is' to my friends.

The ego on that guy, he's lucky I found him really cute. Who am I kidding, I'm in major like with this guy. That's a lot to confess to myself since I've rarely ever been interested in any guy in my life. It took me most of my elementary school career to get over my broken heart in kindergarten.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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