Chapter 5: Partying: Bumbing Grinding and Not so Deep Conversations

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We enter the gigantic house, welcomed by the blasting music and the sea of people.

"Ok so here's the game plan! We're going to go inside, socialize, and dance," Lauren hollers.


"I SAID!..."

Vanessa dances away "Bye guys! I'm gonna go find David" she winks.

And then there were two.

"It's ok Kenna! We'll stick together." Lauren's white smile gleams.

Instantaneously Lauren's phone beeps. "Oh, it's Cole. He's inside so I'm gonna go meet him." she gives me the hesitant 'I feel bad but I don't at the same time' look.

"Sure! Go ahead. Have fun," I smile

And now there's one. I hope I don't get pressured to twerk or even dance. My butt isn't really set up for that.

One of the things I never understood about The Great Gatsby was when Jordan Baker said that she liked large parties because they were intimate. Scanning the crowd of intoxicated and sexually deprived people on the dance floor doing unspeakable things, I still found that hard to believe. Maybe things were different in the 1920s.

I head straight to the punch since I found myself alone yet again, debating whether it's safe to drink or not. I laugh at myself a little. I'm so paranoid.

Just as I am about to put the punch to my lips, a hand lowers the cup from my mouth. I turn to look at the the person who's hand it was. Standing before me was probably one of the most attractive guys I've ever laid eyes on.

Bewildered, I continue to stare at him as he proceeds to lean closer to me. "You probably don't want to drink that, I'm almost positive that it's been laced." He laughs melodically.

I laugh too. "You're probably right. I don't go to parties all that often if you couldn't tell by my standing alone by the punch."

Another smile appeared on his face and the warm undertones of his nutmeg-like complexity shone.

I hope I didn't stare at him too long.

"Did you come here alone?" He asks.

"No, I came with a few of my friends. There's one of them." I pointed to Lauren in a monstrous crowd of people, having a laughing fit with Cole.

"It looks like she left you hanging here," he replied.

"Yeah. It's actually kind of saddening because I've never really been to one of these things and I have no idea what to do. I know I'm supposed to be enjoying myself, but that doesn't look very possible tonight."

"Well it's a good thing we crossed paths then. I'm Jameson, but you can call me James." He smiles once again and all I can do is appreciate his handsome face.

"Nice to meet you James. I'm Kenna," I say, acting as if his perfectly structured features had no effect on me.

"So Kenna, I don't know if you'd agree to this... but I am going to take it upon myself to make sure that you have an awesome time tonight because I myself, was once a novice party-er and you seem like a really cool girl who deserves to have fun," his lighthearted tone made me feel a lot more comfortable.

"Uh.. sure. As long as we don't do anything illegal" I jokingly squint my eyes at him. I was surprised at how quickly we began to have this kind of banter.

"I am guaranteeing good, clean, very legal fun. How about it?"

I don't hesitated to answer, giving him an immediate "yes".

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