Chapter 21| "realization"

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•Emery's POV•

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•Emery's POV•

His wavy brown hair is spread across his forehead, I've never thought brown hair would be something I find so interesting since I've had brown hair my whole life, it was always nothing special.

Then this man intruded into my life and I found myself admiring every curl and wave that covered his messy bedhead.

I woke up a few minutes least I think it was a few minutes ago I have no idea. All I know is I've long since given up trying to get up with the over six-foot man who is currently actually on top of me.

I don't remember falling asleep, but if I don't remember then I guess it was quickly.

Last night was bad, I haven't cried that hard let alone in front of someone like that in a long time, if he were to ever tell anyone the grapevine would lead to my Father and I would be dead.

I can't do that to Bella, She doesn't want to be Queen I don't even think she wants to be royal. It would be unfair to abdicate and put all this on her shoulders at such a young age without a life of full training.

Sighing I wiggle slightly trying to get back the ability to breathe, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a few broken ribs by morning.

His head digs further into the crook of my neck, his hair tickling my face and chin I have to cover my mouth to stop from laughing.

After much struggle, I moved out from underneath him. There's a blanket on the floor by his feet, Picking it up I gently cover his body with it, and I can't help but smile at him.

No wonder I feel like death it's 5:30 in the morning the sky is dark and cloudy blocking any light that might try to peek through the clouds, if the sun isn't even up yet, I shouldn't be up yet.

After changing into sweatpants and a sweater I grab my keys off the hook by the door, Slide on some shoes and slip out the door quietly, I might as well go get some breakfast before I would normally wake up for class.

I'm thinking a bagel and an iced coffee will do the trick, My mind wanders back to last night and all the things my father said to me.

He's right about one thing, I can be doing more but that doesn't mean I should be doing more. I'm embarrassed about how long that took me to learn, It's only a few more years of this which right now seems like a long time but in the grand scheme of things, it's really nothing.

I should probably call Bella anyway today to see how she's doing, hopefully, Father isn't being too hard on her.

Pushing open the door I step outside, taking a deep breath I let the cool damp air fill my lungs.

"Emery?" A voice said walking up from beside me.

"Atlas?" I say back in the same tone.

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking slightly concerned.

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