« the baby project »🍼

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Here I am in my 4even class. It's my independent living class, the class I have h/n in. I write down the topic of the notes, "how to sort laundry" as he does the same. Oops did I forget to mention he sits next to me? Well he does.

I can smell the strong sent of cologne on his collar. It's still as strong as my feelings for him, I can't believe it lasted all day for him. I'm over here trying to secretly spray my bath and body works body mist that doesn't even last 10 minutes.

While the teacher skips and talks through the slides, I can see him trying to catch up as he squints his eyes. He started wearing classes in 7th grade, the same grade right before he moved to another school. I catch up writing my notes from the slides as the teacher quickly puts up the next one. "Ugh" he says, "Can i copy off of you? The teacher is going by so fast." "Sure!" I say. "Thank you" he thanks me. I give a smile in return. As I write down the last few words of the slides, I turn my notebook for him to see. "You have nice handwriting." he complements me looking into my eyes. I smile in return keeping the eye contact.

(for the ones with bad hand writing)—>

"What does that word say?" he asks me as he leans over my shoulder. "Which one?" I ask giving him my full attention. "This one" he says while putting his hand over mind pointing to the word he is referring too. "Oh it says sort and pile. 'after putting the clothes out, you sort and pile them.' " I say repeating the sentence. "Thanks" he says. "Your welcome." I say quickly hiding my face. Once he finishes writing down his notes, he puts them to the side for the teacher to announce the next project.

"Okay class as you may know from last quarter I have announced we will be starting the baby project." "What? I thought those for juniors and seniors only." I whispered to h/n. "I guess they made an acceptation for sophomores" he shrugs. I grunt in frustration as I cover my face with my hands and lay on my desk. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll ace this project" he comments looking at me. "Thanks, but this is a 2 partner project. I don't know if my partner will be a shitty parent that doesn't take care of a baby." I say as i'm looking him up from my desk. "Well I guess we'll see." he looks back up at the teacher.

"I have paired up you guys with a person from the opposite gender." our teacher explains. "You guys will experience what it is to be a teen parent". She always talks about how teens have less opportunity's when having a kid this young. "Come up to see you're pared up with on the board, then come to me for your robot baby and the supplies." When she finished talking all the students go to the board to see who they got pared up with. Some got pared up with their s/o. H/n is 2 people behind me so I get to see who I get pared up with first. I scan for my name and see...

authors note:
LMFAO ik many ppl don't even read this but imma still try to become famous🙏 next part coming soon 😜

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