b) your language

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Some countries don't tend to curse that much. Not like the USA or something like that- like in my country, people don't curse that much. But, my family do so I'm living with the curses.


your language- wow cool. okay so being a bad bitch doesn't means you have to curse that much. let me tell what curse words means in my smart ass dictionary thats in my stupid ass brain.

fuck = having an intimate session with someone else sexually
shit = poop
damn = holy cow
motherfúcker = did you fuck my mom?
and more.

but yeah those are the most used ones. so i don't curse that much i only do accidentally or when its really needed :-) so bad bitches don't curse that much.

now, get backs and sassiness.


now imagine someone says- so you have the weirdest hair ever. do you even give it treatment?

"please, mine is treated by cleopatra's milk. i'm sorry that yours is created by some goat milk."

why does your voice sounds like shit?

"at least i can talk cleanly. your mouth have poop all over it."

where did you get that top? the drain?

"aw sorry i know you wanted me to visit you and your family on the drain. i was busy getting my nails polished with my boyfriend."

and that is a few comebacks! :-)

that is for today

xoxo -ash

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