Chapter 11

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Two weeks came quicker than I expected and here Jermaine and I were, in the doctor's office to find out the sex of our baby. It felt great to have him here with me holding my hand through it all.

Dr. Allison Bowen ran the wand over my belly as Jermaine and I looked upon the screen as a grainy image began to appear.

"Well April, I may have given you a little wrong information. I believe it is still too early to find out the sex of your baby."

I was a little disappointed because I was ready to shop for baby items.

"Oh, well that's alright. How does everything else look?" I asked.

"Your baby is the correct size. The heart rate is good. I would have to say your baby is doing just great so far."

"So far?" Jermaine questioned.

"Yes. I say so far because I like for my patients to get to five months when the chances or miscarriage are less likely to happen. Before you get scared, your baby vitals are perfect so you really shouldn't have anything to worry about as long as you continue to exercise and eat right." Dr. Bowen replied.

"Oh trust, he is making sure I do both." I said as I looked over at Jermaine who had a smile on his face.

He has been making me exercise lightly five days of the week. He also only let me pig out twice a week. Well, that's what he thinks anyway. I have a secret stash of goodies in three shoe boxes in the very back of my closet.

Dr. Bowen laughed. "Well that's good to hear. I want to see you in a month so that I can check on how the baby is progressing and so we can find out the sex."

"Sounds like a plan to me." I said, I she handed me a cloth to wipe the gel off my stomach.

"Alright. Just go to the front desk and set up an appointment for a month from today and they will also give you the photos from the ultrasound."

"Ok thanks, I will see you next month." I said as I walked out the room towards the exit with Jermaine right behind me.

After I made the appointment, we got into Jermaine's car and rode for a minute in a comfortable silence.

"So are you disappointed that you didn't find out what you were having?" He asked.

"Yea I am but I will get over it. As long as our baby is healthy I don't care what we have." I said honestly.

"I agree. That's why I am onto you so much about exercising and eating right. I want our baby to be born with no health problems."

"Yea that and you don't want me to get fat." I laughed.

Jermaine laughed with me. "No I don't think you will get fat. I mean look at you now. You are four month pregnant and you don't even look it. You look like you just finished eating and are just a little bloated from the food. That's all."

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