Chapter 15

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"Matthew? What are you doing here?" I asked shocked as if I didn't know the answer already.

"Long time no see April. Your looking good." He said as he eyed me up and down with a sly smirk on his face.

"Erica, what the hell is going on?" Jermaine asked as he balled his hands into fist.

I looked over to Erica who look liked she was shitting bricks as she looked between Matt and Jermaine.

"Um, Jermaine baby, I haven't been quite honest with you. I kind of slept with Matt and there is a possibility that it's his baby." Erica said looking anywhere but Jermaine.

I looked over at Jermaine expecting to see him ready to charge Matt but no, he was laughing.

"What's so funny?" Erica asked in a frustrated tone.

"You are. You are a funny, pathetic ass excuse for a woman. I have been begging you for a divorce for the longest and you wouldn't give it to me, knowing good and well that your ass was cheating with him. " He said motioning over to Matthew.

Jermaine turned to me. "Isn't he your ex-fiancé?"

I nodded my head.

"So Erica tell me this. Did you ever stop messing around with him after April beat your ass the first time?"

Everyone in the room turned and looked at Erica. Hell I was anxious to hear her answer.

"Yea, I mean no, I mean, kind of?" She said more like a question. "

"What do you mean kind of?" Jermaine asked.

"I stopped at first but we kind of just picked up where we started a month after that." Erica sighed. "Look Jermaine. I do have love for you, but I'm in love with Matt. He's who I want to be with."

"So why wouldn't you give me my divorce?!" Jermaine yelled causing the baby to stir in Matt's arms.

"Because I didn't want to have a divorce under my name. Now that I think about it, I should have divorced you and just got the alimony."

Jermaine began laughing again. "Alimony? You must didn't read the pre-nup? If you are caught cheating you get nothing but what you brought into the marriage."

"But you have no proof that I cheated on you."

"The fuck? Bitch it's a whole human being that's proof that you cheated!" Jermaine yelled again.

I looked around the room at everyone's face as Jermaine and Erica argued back and forth. My dad had a disappointing look on his face and his she devil of a wife showed an amused face.

She looked up and caught me staring at her and she rolled her eyes at me before looking back to the show that was in front of her.


"And that's another thing. Your baby doesn't look pre-mature to me at all. Were you even eight months pregnant or what?" Jermaine asked.

"No I was full term. She's a healthy 8lbs 6oz. Looking just like her dad." Erica said with a smirk on her face.

"You know what, it's cool. I already have the divorce papers drawn up. You will be receiving them shortly. Come on April, let's go." Jermaine said as he pulled my hand so we could leave.

"Wait." Erica called out.

"This is what you have been doing. I knew all those late nights weren't at the office. Of all the bitches you could have cheated with you chose her? Wow. And your up here making me look like the bad person but you sleeping with this hoe."

"Hoe? Bitch you the one still sleeping with my ex-fiancé!" I yelled.

Was she serious? Yea I am with her husband but she been sleeping around with my ex for the last five years!

"Yep I am. You were never good enough for him in the first place. If you were he would have never came to me."

"I guess I can say the same for you. You so stuck on fucking my ex you didn't please your husband so he came running to me. I'm not even about to argue with your hoe ass. Enjoy my leftovers." I said grabbing Jermaine arm and walking to the door.

"Bitch you got my leftovers too with ya fat ass!"

"Hoe I'm not fat, I'm pregnant!" I yelled out before I knew what I was saying.

The room got quiet.

"Pregnant? By who?" April asked with an attitude.

I looked over to Jermaine. "Your husband. I guess we're even now." I said as I pulled the door open and walked out. The whole time I'm walking all I hear is April calling me all kinds of names but I honestly didn't care anymore.

Jermaine grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yea, I love you too." I said as we walked onto the elevator.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: UPDATE!!!! Short Update but still an update. Soooo this story is coming to an end soon. Few more chapters left.

Please keep my mother in law in your prayers. She just had surgery Tuesday and now she is in ICU from complications. She is doing a little better but prayer are still needed. Thanks!



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