Chapter 12

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The car ride to my home was a quiet uneasy one.

I kept stealing quick glances at my father who was gripping the steering wheel pretty tight. He hasn't said a word to me since we left the doctor's office and that was never a good sign.

At that moment I felt like I was a child again. That same child who would sneak on the phone to talk to boys in middle school, get caught, and get my ass beat.

'He wouldn't do that to a pregnant person would he? Nah he wouldn't. Would he? No way? He loves me too much. He does look really mad though.' I thought to myself as I looked over to my father who looked like he was trying to restrain himself from saying what he wanted to say to me.

'Maybe I can get away from him. Ok, if I get my keys ready, then when he stops in front of my house I can jump out and run inside. Yea that sounds like a good plan.' I thought as I had a conversation with myself.

As my house came in to view, I prepared myself to jump out and run but he kept driving past my home.

'Oh God he's going to kill me.' I thought.

"Where are we going daddy?" I asked.

"Just sit back and ride."

I sighed and looked out the window. So much for my escape plan.

Twenty minutes into the ride I knew exactly where we were going. When I was younger and would get into trouble, my father would bring me to this isolated beach and we would walk along the sand and talk everything out.

He parked the car and got out coming to my side to open the door.

We walked along the sand close to the water barefoot, enjoying the water cooling off our feet from the warm sand.

"Are you ready to talk about it yet?" My father asked.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"So Jermaine, your child's father, is the same Jermaine who is married to your sister who is also pregnant?"

"Ummmm... basically?" I don't know why it came out as more of a question.

"So how long has this been going on?" He asked as we continued to walk.

"Just for five months. We never meant for it to happen. It was a one time thing but when I found out I was pregnant he was there for me and we just kind of fell for each other." I said whispering the last part.

"So ya'll are in love now?" He asked like it was a joke.

I just nodded my head as my father stared at me making me feel like a child again who had done something wrong.

"How can you be in love with your sister's husband?" He said with disgust in his voice.

Wait, disgust? I have never heard that from him before.

"I know it sounds bad but I can't help who I love daddy. Like I said, we didn't mean for it to happen, it just did. Plus, he and Erica are getting a divorce."

"Oh is that what he is telling you?" My dad asked amused.

"Yes and he means it." I said firmly. I was starting to get aggravated now.

"If they are getting a divorce then why does he still come over with Erica for the family dinners we have? Why was he right there beside Erica when she had her baby shower? Why did he just buy Erica a new wedding ring? I hate to tell you this princess but he's playing you."

I completely stopped walking. Played? Me? Wow. How could I be so naive that I didn't see that I was being played?

"Come here baby girl." My dad said as he pulled me into his arms and wiped the tears from my face that I didn't know were falling.

"How could I be so stupid daddy? I thought he really loved me." I said as tears continued to fall.

He hugged me tighter. "We all make mistakes. It's good you found out now."

"I will never talk to him again!" I screamed.

"You know you can't do that. You still are having a baby with him and you have to let him in his child's life."

"Well I will just tell him that it's not his then."

"Now you're being childish. If you do that now you will regret it. You can't make an impulsive action just because you are mad."

I sighed. "You're right, but I can ignore him for awhile."

"True. Do you want me to take care of it for you?" He asked.

"No, I will handle it myself."

"You know it's gonna have to come out soon or later that you're having his baby. You do know that right?"

"Unfortunately I do."

"I hate that this is happening to you baby girl but you should know that what happens in the dark always come to light."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Another update! Yay! lol

So did ya'll believe that Jermaine was too good to be true or are things not as they seem? Maybe it's Karma. I mean, she is pregnant by her sister's husband after all.

I probably will be introducing some new characters into the next chapter.

Thanks for reading. Sorry it's short but I felt like updating.

Thanks for Reading!



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