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Please ignore the mistakes.

Taehyung was in little daze....but it felt like a sweet and soft voice was calling for him....but he didn't wanted to open his eyes...he wanted to sleep some was peaceful....he was tired of everything....he was tired of life...tired of being a general....tired of responsibilities...tired of not be who he was....tired of not be in love with whom he longed the most...his love....his lover....his lover from past life...he was happy to see the memories of his and lover....his lovers past life memories and this life memories was playing on a loop in his dreams....other was still the chirpy...cute...full of life.... beautiful as always...

But this voice is calling him... telling him to wake up...but he didn't wanted to but maybe it's time to wake up...but whose voice is sounds familiar.

"Wake up my son....for how long time you will's long it's time to wake's been a have to wake up's time...." A beautiful women was telling him to wake up

Taehyung open up his eyes little bit it was blur but the aura of that women is no joke..."Mother.." Taehyung whispered..but the lady in white heard it and smiled..

"Yes.... please wake up son..." Lady in white again asked him...

Now Taehyung open his full eyes...

"Mother...Luna ..." Taehyung tried to sit up and greet the lady in white but she didn't let him...

"Don't...take rest..." Luna said and other obeyed...

"Do you remember me...?" Luna asked and other nodded his head in yes..

" do you remember who you are or you you remember everything...and everyone." Luna again asked..

And other nodded his head..."i remembered who am I mother and who was i...and who are you...i remembered everything...." Luna smiled after hearing that..."good it hard work pay off" Luna was happy.

"Ok if you remember everything can you tell who am I" a man look like palace incharge Jung hoseok entered saying that..

"Place incharge Jung you here..." But other just laughed a little at him..

" i am not palace incharge Jung hoseok... actually he is's my version who is doing a heavenly trial instead of me..i am si Ming....the deity of fate..." Other replied.

"Heavenly trial...i don't understand...." Other asked in confusion...

"Yes I know you don't know....ok so a deity had to take a heavenly trial for achieve fate trial....power trial....and The more difficult it is for you to get that thing, the bigger is your heavenly in past life you and your lover had to take the heavenly love trial...and because one of you didn't belong to heaven it was more difficult for you both and you both had to loose your life in if someone wants to earn some great power he had to come across heavenly power it that person had to endure thunderbolt on their body to gain that power..." Si Ming replied..

"But I have heard you have to do cultivation to gain that type of power..?" Taehyung again asked..

"Yes... cultivation is a part of it...but after completing it that person had to endure thunderbolts....and thunderbolts increased with the power you want for.."

"So we both die because...we failed in our heavenly love trial.." Taehyung said in a low voice..

"No you both... didn't die because you both died because...they were cruel and egoistic deities...but i am happy revenge is curse is giving them it's taste.." Luna said with anger in her eyes..

"I don't understand Luna..." Taehyung asked but Luna didn't answer it.."nothing you don't have to worry about it..and you ...the useless deity of fate you Don't had to make him tired...saying your all nonsense...he was unconscious for a year...he needs rest.." Luna said and Taehyung widen his eyes...

"I was unconscious for a year.." he tried to stand up but Luna didn't let him...

"No my's been ages..." Luna said and Taehyung got confused.

"What do you mean Luna.." Taehyung asked.

"My son you are not in heaven nor in earth...and you are not even on are on my's a planet made by knew every realm had their time one year on hell or heaven is ten years on just like year on my planet is like ten years on heaven and it's been ten years..." Luna replied with calmed tone...she didn't wanted Taehyung to freak out..

But other felt a thud in his heart.."so it's been ten years...then till now jungkook will be living happily with her wife and kids...he will be king till now...good it's good... that's what i want from the start..." Taehyung said while sobbing.

Luna laughed a little seeing Taehyung sobbing "you took my curse and blessings lightly Taehyung...when i cast this blessing I also said that if anyone will try to break the bond between mates on will interfere between fated mates...the curse will destroy them...even if it's you were unconscious for a years coz you didn't accept your mate bond...and you were not only the one who will be affected by it...your other half will be affected by it too...your mate bond took one year to protect you both that's why you were unconscious... that's why you both survived coz my protection was with you too...coz you both are my children..." Luna said and smiled at him...

"But jungkook's marriage with princess sohee..." Taehyung still had some tears but he was calm now..

Luna took his face in her hands softly "you think i will let him marry someone moon prince's dream...jungkook was this life and in past life too...he was born just for you was born just for one can separate them...and if someone try it...they have to come across me.." Taehyung notice some sparkling in Luna's hand and he understood Luna had to take one of the heavenly power trial to gain this much power..

"Now you don't have to just have to claim what's yours...and si Ming will take you hell and will help you in every aspect...he will tell you more when you arrive on hell..."


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