Brooklyns POV
So far today I've been laughed at, and given a detention and it's only my third class and my first day of school.

The rest of my classes went by fast considering I don't pay attention and don't talk to anyone.

Everybody kind of stares at me.

The bell rings and I'm so excited for lunch, I get up and speed walk down to my locker.

"Hey wait up!" A very tall thinned out girl chasing after me yells.

"Um can I help you?" I asked her politely.

"Well, not really I just wanted to see if you would sit with me at lunch?" He asked with a big smile.

This girl is honestly to peppy for me, but I'm in no position to turn down a lunch buddy.

"I'd love too" I respond.

After we've got our lunches and sit down at a table, it only takes moments before a bunch of girls come to our table all talking at once I cant keep up.

"Oh hi what's your name?" One of the girls asks me.

"Brooklyn, but just call me Brooke." I say with a closed mouth smile.

She nods back and says "I'm Tiffany."

I look over at the girl who brought me here in the first place and she's giving me a concerned look.

Suddenly she gets up and says "Brooke come with me for just a second please"

I give her a weird look but follow her into an empty classroom.

"What?" I ask kind of rudely

"You need to stay away from Tiffany, she's shady and sneaky and a slut." She's now whispering

I give her a look like 'yeah right she seems hella nice'.

"You don't have to believe me but just know I warned you" she said and walked out of the room.

I sat on one of the desks.

Is Tiffany a bad person or something? She seems like a great friend. She was the first one to say hi to me and introduce herself.

Not to mention her eyes are full of sparkle and love, she seems really nice but whatever.

Suddenly I hear the bell ring, and now it's time for detention.
The picture at the top is a picture of Brooklyn. I'll post a picture of morgan later.

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